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ISSTA 2016: Generating focused random tests usi...

ISSTA 2016: Generating focused random tests using directed swarm testing

Arpit Christi

July 18, 2016

Other Decks in Research


  1. Generating Focused Random Tests using Directed Swarm Testing Mohammad Amin

    Alipour, Alex Groce, Rahul Gopinath, Arpit Christi EECS, Oregon State University
  2. Random Test Generator Test Generator Software Under Test (SUT) Oracle

    ( ,output) Test Features (e.g. name of APIs) OK NOT OK
  3. Goal Spidermonkey Static Analysis tool Buggy Block JsFunfuzz Test suite

    - FOCUS : newly added/changed code, rarely covered code, statement suggested by static analysis
  4. Hitting Fraction (HF) Hitting Fraction or Frequency of Coverage: Given

    a test suite TS and a coverage target t, the fraction of test cases in TS that cover t is called hitting fraction. • If TS has no test to cover t, HF(TS, t) = 0 • If all tests in TS cover t, HF(TS, t) = 1 Hitting Fraction of statements of YAFFS2 using yaffs2tester
  5. Focused Random Tests Potential Applications: • Finding bugs in suspicious

    parts of code • Regression Testing Initial Test Suite Focused Test Suites Generating new test suites to increase hitting fraction (HF) of less-frequently covered targets.
  6. Swarm Testing Random Test Generator Software Under Test (SUT) Oracle

    Test Features F1,F2,F3,F4.... (e.g. name of APIs) Save test case ( output) Pick a random subset of test features Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Eric Eide, Yang Chen, John Regehr: Swarm testing. ISSTA 2012: 78-88 OK NOT OK
  7. Triggers and suppressors • Target- Behavior of SUT, produced by

    test cases • Example- faults, coverage entities, mutant • Relationship between feature f and target t • Trigger • Suppressor • Irrelevant • Wilson Score of Confidence [ISSRE’13] Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Eric Eide, Yang Chen, John Regehr: Help, help, I'm being suppressed! The significance of suppressors in software testing. ISSRE 2013: 390-399 F1 F2 F3 F4 ….. T1 S T I I I T2 I I S I I T3 S S I T I …… I I S I T
  8. Summary so far Program Swarm random generator F1 F2 F3

    …... S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 F1 F2 F3 F4 ….. T1 S T I I I T2 I I S I I T3 S S I T I …… I I S I T
  9. Directed Swarm Testing Program Swarm random generator F1 F2 F3

    …... Configuration Strategy S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 F1 F2 F3 F4 ….. T1 S T I I I T2 I I S I I T3 S S I T I … … I I S I T F1,F2,…...
  10. Half Swarm f1,f2 - triggers, f3,f4 - suppressors, f5 -

    f9 - irrelevants f1 f2 f6 f8 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 Swarm generator f1 f2 f3 f4
  11. No Supressors f1,f2 - triggers, f3,f4 - suppressors, f5 -

    f9 - irrelevants f1 f2 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 Swarm generator f1 f2 f3 f4
  12. Triggers only f1,f2 - triggers, f3,f4 - suppressors, f5 -

    f9 - irrelevants f1 f2 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 Swarm generator f1 f2 f3 f4
  13. Multi-target Directed Swarm Testing Challenge: • A trigger for a

    target can be a suppressor for another one, or vice versa. Merging Strategies: • Round-robin (No merging) • Subsumption Merge a configuration to a stricter one • Aggressive Merging Tries to merge as many as non-conflicting configuration • Optimum Generates minimum set of configurations NP-Complete [RW] [RW] Edward L. Robertson and Catharine M. Wyss: Optimal Tuple Merge in NP-Complete, Technical Report TR599, Indiana University
  14. Evaluation - SUT SUT LOC Fuzzer Description YAFFS2 15K Yaff2tester

    Flash file system GCC 4.4.7 860K Csmith C and C++ compiler Spidermonkey 118K Jsfunfuzz Javascript engine for Mozilla SUT # Features Seed time(min) Run time(min) YAFFS 43 15 5 GCC 25 60 10 Spidermonkey 171 30 10 Subjects Experimental parameters
  15. Evaluation of Directed Swarm Testing YAFFS Strategy % better HFd/HFu

    Mean HFd/HFu Max Half-Swarm 100 2.4 5.01 No-Supressor 100 2.56 4.44 Trigger 100 2.8 7.87
  16. Evaluation of Directed Swarm Testing GCC Strategy % better HFd/HFu

    Mean HFd/HFu Max Half-Swarm 99 3.56 6.33 No-Supressor 94 3.03 5.58 Trigger 92 3.94 5.29
  17. Evaluation of Directed Swarm Testing Spidermonkey Strategy % better HFd/HFu

    Mean HFd/HFu Max Half-Swarm 73 1.75 4.39 No-Supressor 65 1.15 3.14 Trigger 84 4.56 8.82
  18. Ability to find real faults Test Strategy Fault #1 Fault

    #2 Fault #3 Fault #4 Fault #5 Undirected Swarm 13.6 0.07 0.24 0.26 0.07 Round-robin Half-swarm 31.9 0.19 0.35 0.56 0.29 Round-robin No- suppressors 34.2 0.26 0.17 0.46 0.69 Subsumption Half-swarm 33.0 0.24 0.12 0.10 0.29 Subsumption No- suppressors 33.1 0.31 0.29 0.31 0.46 Spidermonkey - 5 real faults, multi-target testing
  19. Final note • Using collected statistics on code coverage and

    swarm testing, it is possible to produce focused random tests • The method is able to increase the frequency with which tests cover targeted code by a factor often more than 2x • This approach is readily applicable to existing, industrial-strength random testing tools for critical systems software.
  20. Limitations Focus is on Full System, program or a module

    Does not naturally focus on any parts of the program Why we need focus?
  21. Swarm testing Fuzzer = generator + features Example of feature

    - api calls, grammar terminal & production rules, c semantics Configuration of a test generator Pure Random testing: configuration = set of all features Swarm testing: configuration = each feature chosen with a coin toss Increases feature count per test and increases interaction
  22. - You want to hammer out a piece of code

    as frequent as possible.