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Embracing Library-Supported Data Management Ser...

Embracing Library-Supported Data Management Services

Invited talk prepared for the Library Futures series, Oklahoma State University Libraries. April 2016.

Brianna Marshall

April 07, 2016

More Decks by Brianna Marshall

Other Decks in Research


  1. Image courtesy of Flickr user lukew (CC BY) we are

    all generating more digital stuff than ever before.
  2. Senior researchers think grad students and ECRs know how to

    manage data because they’re digital natives... But they don’t! And senior researchers aren’t equipped to train them, either. They don’t know where to start.
  3. CONSULTATIONS + GUIDANCE GENERAL RDM •  Organization, naming, versioning • 

    Sharing + openness •  Data formats, metadata •  Security •  Storage + backup •  Etc. OPEN SCIENCE + REPRODUCIBILITY FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS •  Data management plans (DMPs) •  OSTP memo 1
  4. + + + S E R V I C E

    S + + + TEACHING + TRAINING •  Data information literacy •  Embedded assistance DATA CURATION TECHNOLOGY •  Storage •  Collaboration •  Preservation (Maybe in the form of a repository, maybe not.) 2
  5. + + + + P O L I C Y

    + + + + 3 UNIVERSITY •  Governance/stewardship •  Security •  Campus OSTP response NATIONAL •  Funder policy advocacy •  Group/committee involvement INTERNATIONAL •  Data standards advocacy •  Group/committee involvement
  6. I have no idea how to make this work. Image

    courtesy of Flickr user matte4president (CC BY)
  7. I stopped waiting for a stamp of approval Image courtesy

    of Flickr user matte4president (CC BY) + +
  8. connections + community •  Understanding existing structure at UW • 

    Meeting with IT + research support across campus •  Growing awareness within the library •  Identifying researcher needs, pain points •  Engaging “sister groups”(digital humanities, open meetup)
  9. building a strong foundation •  organization + documentation •  tracking

    + assessment •  website overhaul •  focus on design •  blog content •  outreach via monthly digest •  social media
  10. up next? Teaching and training •  Librarian “inreach” •  Workshops

    for grad students, ECRs •  Data Carpentry Focus on open science + reproducibility Extending existing partnerships
  11. not on the agenda •  Repository •  Larger scale OSTP

    response •  Deep engagements with researchers/labs
  12. •  Beyond library services? •  In gray areas with many

    possible answers? •  When you don’t know how to find the answer? how do you provide consultations...
  13. start presenting on RDM and related t o p i

    c s … whenever, wherever.
  14. boldness in RDM-land •  Keep sharing openly about successes AND

    failures •  Approach RDM within a broader context •  Embrace discomfort + an uncertain path •  Work on our elevator speeches •  Stop letting commercial entities take the lead (prevent vendor lock-in!) •  Not fixating on perfect digital preservation over workable solutions
  15. the future of data services •  Teams - local, national,

    and international •  DIL/teaching, particularly training graduate students •  Computational focus (high throughput, data carpentry) •  Tied to federal funding requirements •  Curation + preservation services
  16. backwards planning Where do you want the library to assert

    value? Where are you resourced? - Consultations - Teaching and training - Policy - Infrastructure and technology
  17. trust the time it takes to build Image courtesy of

    Flickr user ojofotografico (CC BY NC ND)
  18. without an RDM team, y o u w i l

    l always be m i s s i n g something
  19. + of the many ways to support RDM... any one

    is better than none. Image used courtesy of Flickr user elo_m (CC BY SA)
  20. learn more About the history of RDS: https://speakerdeck.com/bmarshall/creative-ideas- for-revitalizing-research-data-services About

    RDS marketing and outreach: https://speakerdeck.com/bmarshall/marketing-and- outreach-strategies-for-research-data-services Data Information Literacy preconference (ALA 2016): http://www.ala.org/acrl/datainformationliteracy