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TALIS Insight - Engaging Academics in Digital ...

TALIS Insight - Engaging Academics in Digital Discourse

The UCISA survey (2014) stated that “lack of time” was still the main reason why academic staff don't engage in TEL. I will propose that it is not “time” that is the issue but the “value” people place upon e-learning. Through the development of a conversational framework, this session will put forward an approach which seeks to focus on digital pedagogy & the inter-relationship of academic practice & digital tools.
Watch the recording here: http://go.talis.com/talis-insight-europe-2016-simon-thomson-keynote

Simon Thomson

April 21, 2016

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  1. Digital It is not the future, it is the present.

    TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 @digisim
  2. @digisim Engaging Academics in Digital Discourse. Simon Thomson Head of

    Digital Pedagogy • Leeds Beckett University

    ASIA AUSTRALIA SOUTH AFRICA EUROPE 2bn WORLDWIDE http://www.statista.com/statistics/330695/number-of-smartphone-users-worldwide/
  4. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 Digital Learning Systems E-Learning /

    TEL 100% of undergraduate modules has an online presence. It is a required to use the VLE for learning & teaching, but usage of tools is limited, varying in practice and inconsistent. p 8 Socially Digital Commercially Digital Social / Communication Facebook: 1.59 billion monthly active users (December 31, 2015). Whats App: 1 billion users (Feb 2016). Digital Disconnect Shopping 95% of British people buy goods via internet. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2722631/Online-shopping-20- years-It-started-secure-purchase-Sting-album-95-British-people-buy- goods-internet-retailers.html Å Digital Pedagogy Experimenting Lack of opportunities to experiment, innovate & play within educational technology and lack of “time” to do so. We have all the ingredients but the outcomes haven’t yet been realised.
  5. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 10 Top down… Bottom up….

    People “Transformation is more about the human and organisational aspects of teaching and learning than it is about the use of technology” Laurillard, D. (2007)
  6. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 12 k “Resistance to change

    is the action taken by people when they perceive the change to be a threat to their usual activities of daily living.” Fear of Change f Leedham (2013)
  7. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 13 Shock Disbelief Anger (Stubbornness)

    Reality awareness Insecurity & blame Letting go Learning new skills Applying new skills Commitment & new focus Competence Time Denial Resistance Self Doubt Acceptance Exploration Understanding Integration Adapted from the work of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross (5 Stages of Grief)
  8. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 14 Digitally Overwhelmed 7 HARDWARE

  9. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 18 Been at the University

    for 5 years and is an internationally renowned expert in their field. Has used social media & web 2.0 tools to raise awareness of their research, but also within their teaching. Professor Jones History • Has had great success integrating Twitter into teaching. • Loves to try new digital tools and services. • Has already developed a fully online module. Experiences & Needs One Size Does NOT Fit All. Digital Confidence Digital Capability Digital Aspiration Digital Innovator k
  10. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 19 Been at the University

    for 8 years and is an internationally renowned expert in their field. Has used some technology but finds the VLE difficult to navigate & use effectively. Dr Smith Biology • Bad experience with online quizzes. • Lacks confidence in online spaces. • Wishes to put Biology 101 online. • Effective use of Grade Mark • Good use of Lecture Capture Experiences & Needs Digital Confidence Digital Capability Digital Aspiration Digital Innovator One Size Does NOT Fit All. f
  11. www.click.com @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 20 A B C

    D E F For individuals to take forward any digital development it must mean something to them. How do you take a central strategic activity & make it purposeful & individual for each academic? Making it real. We do this through discourse. We ask course teams to identify what digital tools and services they want to use and explore what they could potentially use. This way the digital elements align with the subject areas pedagogic model. Our approach. Person A Person B Person C Person D Person E Person F Contextualising
  12. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 22 What can technology “enable”

    us to do that we can’t do without it? Enable
  13. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 26 A Conversational Framework What

    can technology “enable” us to do that we can’t do without it? Enable Enhance Empower Enrich How can technology “enhance” what we already do? How can technology “enrich” our learning experiences? How can technology “empower” our learners & teachers? https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/partners/4e-framework.htm
  14. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 29 Put People At The

    Centre | Impact Be clear on what the impact with be for people. Focus on the benefits, but also recognise the challenges and how they will be overcome. Use your champions to share your vision and to take forward the activity. They are natural supporters, work closely with them as they operate at a grass roots level. Champions Make it accessible. The key to engagement is to make it accessible. Break down the project into achievable goals for staff to focus on. Don’t be afraid to ask if everything is ok. Create an environment where failure is part of a learning process, not the end result. Are you ok? Don’t look inwards for solutions. Connect with others globally for guidance, resources and experience. Global Gather data, quantitative and qualitative. Its the latter that helps to make the changes. Let others tell their stories. Data
  15. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 30 [ Tips to Success

    [ > Plan your timeframe (and be realistic). Can you stagger your implementation? Talk with your stakeholders, get them on board. Engage the people early. Be clear about your vision/ activity. What will it achieve & why is it necessary? Tip 01 Tip 02 Tip 03 ` Z Is everything in place? Are you ready to go? Be 100% sure & take the plunge. Make sure you have all the cogs in place. Technology, support, information & people. Like chess digital change is a long game. Don’t rush it. Tip 06 Tip 05 Tip 04
  16. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 32 CONTACT t Leeds Beckett

    [email protected] @digisim r blog.digis.im http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/staff/simon-thomson/
  17. @digisim TALIS INSIGHT EUROPE 2016 33 CONTACT t Leeds Beckett

    [email protected] @digisim r blog.digis.im http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/staff/simon-thomson/