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When You Flip, Don't Flop - Open Lecture, Unive...

When You Flip, Don't Flop - Open Lecture, University of Greenwich

Part of the Open Lecture series at the University of Greenwich.
When we "flip" our classrooms it can be a daunting experience. There is a shift in emphasis from the "teacher" as knowledge provider (Sage on the Stage) to a more equal participatory relationship (Guide on the Side). This talk will explore the use of the "flipped classroom" model as a way of making best use of people, time and technology. Using the 4E framework (Thomson, 2012) as an approach for technology enhanced learning conversations, the session will explore how the flipped classroom can enrich the pedagogic experience for learner & teacher.

Watch the recording here: http://gre.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=68fde484-5ee6-4e3a-83d1-f0e4de62d3e9

Simon Thomson

March 09, 2016

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  1. DON’T FLOP WHEN YOU FLIP y Simon Thomson NTF, Head

    of Digital Pedagogy, Leeds Beckett University @digisim #floporflip
  2. Session Overview. Part One: The Story of the Flipped Classroom.

    Where did “flip” originate & how did I get involved in using it? How has “flipped classroom” grown? What are we promised by “flipping”? o 01 Backstory 02Growth Promises 03 @digisim
  3. Session Overview. Part Two: Realising the Flipped Classroom. What does

    the research tell us about flipped classrooms? What’s the reality of the flipped classroom? How can you implement flipped without flopping? o 04Research 05 Practice Implement 06 @digisim
  4. [ % 5 2 1993 1997 Alison King - “Sage

    on the Stage” Eric Mazur - “Peer Instruction” 1993 1997 2004 2000 2014 2007 Present Flipped Origin. i 2000 2004 Lage, Platt & Treglia - “Inverting the Classroom” Salman Khan - “Khan Academy” 2007 2014 Bergmann & Sams - “Flipped Classroom” Bergmann & Sams - “Flipped Learning” https://thejournal.com/articles/2012/06/20/flipped-learning-founders-q-and-a.aspx @digisim
  5. i NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition The flipped

    classroom refers to a model of learning that rearranges how time is spent both in and out of class to shift the ownership of learning from the educators to the students. @digisim
  6. 1 Year “The flipped classroom model is becoming increasingly popular

    in higher education institutions because of how it rearranges face-to-face instruction for professors and students, creating a more efficient and enriching use of class time”. TIME TO ADOPTION. i NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition
  7. i Growth in Flipped Learning: Transitioning the focus from teachers

    to students for educational success. (2014) “Flipped Learning” was recognized by 96% of teachers, an increase from 74% two years prior . The number of teachers who indicated they had flipped a lesson during the school year went up from 48% in 2012 to 78% in 2014. @digisim
  8. faculty already flipping or planning to flip by this time

    next year. i 50% Centre for Digital Education & Sonic Foundry (2013) @digisim
  9. 03 backstory. 01 02 04 05 06 PART ONE. a

    FLIPPED PROMISES promises.
  10. i NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition …..enable instructors

    to be more in tune with their students’ learning patterns. @digisim
  11. i NESTA Flipped Learning Research Report (2015) Students undertake online

    instructional learning at home and come better prepared for lessons with a higher level of understanding and knowledge of concepts and topics @digisim
  12. Matthew Stoltzfus - Ohio State University ”I really think that

    chemistry is much more than trying to memorize facts; it's interpreting data, making conclusions, making hypothesis……….. "And the flipped class has allowed me to do that much more effectively. @digisim C
  13. Justin Reich - (2012) ”it has a fabulous balance of

    pedagogy and technology” @digisim C
  14. i Flip Your Classroom - Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams

    "Reach Every Student in Every Class, Every Day” @digisim
  15. 03 backstory. 01 02 04 05 06 PART TWO. a

    FLIPPED RESEARCH research.
  16. FLIPPED RESEARCH. Critz, C. M., & Knight, D. (2013). Using

    the flipped classroom in graduate nursing education. Nurse educator, 38(5), 210-213. f Findlay-Thompson, S., & Mombourquette, P. (2014). Evaluation of a flipped classroom in an undergraduate business course. Business Education & Accreditation, 6(1), 63-71. Roehl, A., Reddy, S. L., & Shannon, G. J. (2013). The flipped classroom: An opportunity to engage millennial students through active learning. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 105(2), 44. Arnold-Garza, S. (2014). The flipped classroom Assessing an innovative teaching model for effective and engaging library instruction. College & Research Libraries News, 75(1), 10-13. Flipped in Nursing Flipped in Business Studies Flipped in Media Flipped in Library Instruction
  17. FLIPPED RESEARCH. Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013,

    June). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA. f Jinlei, Z., Ying, W., & Baohui, Z. (2012). Introducing a New Teaching Model: Flipped Classroom [J]. Journal of Distance Education, 4, 46-51. Roehl, A., Reddy, S. L., & Shannon, G. J. (2013). The flipped classroom: An opportunity to engage millennial students through active learning. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 105(2), 44. Butt, A. (2014). Student views on the use of a flipped classroom approach: Evidence from Australia. Business Education & Accreditation, 6(1), 33. A Survey of the Research As a model in distance education As a model for engagement Student perspectives
  18. 1995 - 2000 2001 - 2005 2006 - 2010 2011

    - 2016 9,200 205 94 11 RESEARCH GROWTH. No. articles listed in Google Scholar with search term: “flipped classroom” by date range. i
  19. C A Review of Flipped Learning (Flipped Learning Network 2013)

    ……..existing research clearly demonstrates that the Flipped Learning model can be one way to create a classroom environment that is learner-centered…… @digisim
  20. 03 backstory. 01 02 04 05 06 PART TWO. a

  21. ORIGINATOR. Peer into Aaron Sams' classroom as he explains why

    he flipped his classroom. Aaron Sams, along with Jonathan Bergmann were the first to flip their classes. The currently teach in Woodland Park Colorado and are writing a book about the Flipped Class. Flipped Classroom f @digisim
  22. i A Review of Flipped Learning (Flipped Learning Network 2013)

    “survey of 450 teachers conducted in 2012 by the Flipped Learning Network ………. found that teachers associate Flipped Learning with improved student performance and attitudes………… @digisim
  23. FLIPPED STORIES. Dr. Matthew Stoltzfus Chemistry Lecturer Tatiana and Zoe

    Dr Fus James & Michelle During Spring Break of 2011, Eric Langenderfer, a former student of mine approached me about integrating lecture videos into the classroom. ❞ flipping the classroom provides an avenue to ask the “why” questions again ❞ This blog post offers a video of their presentation at the SHIFT2015 conference at the University of Greenwich. In this Zoe and Tatiana shared the preliminary findings of using flipped learning… f How does a flipped classroom actually work? And how are teachers putting words into action to help their students learn?
  24. i My Flipping Failure (Richard Thornley 2013) I gave a

    presentation to the entire faculty on the debacle …… As yet only I have stuck my head above the parapet – I told the unfortunate students that this was my penance. I apologized to individual parents on parent’s day. @digisim
  25. 03 backstory. 01 02 04 05 06 PART TWO. a

    TRYING NOT TO FLOP WHEN YOU FLIP implementation.
  26. C Helen Beetham (2013) “Transformation is more about the human

    and organizational aspects of teaching and learning than it is about the use of technology” @digisim Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age Designing for 21st Century Learning. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  27. Shock Disbelief Anger (Stubbornness) Reality awareness Insecurity & blame Letting

    go Learning new skills Applying new skills Commitment & new focus Competence Time Denial Resistance Self Doubt Acceptance Exploration Understanding Integration Adapted from the work of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross (5 Stages of Grief)
  28. 4E Framework. The 4E framework is an approach to e-learning

    activity that seeks to focus on the benefits of using technology in learning & teaching. Y Y Y Y Technology is being implemented to “enable” a process, activity, function or service to take place. Technology is being implemented to “enhance” a process, activity, function or service that is already happening in some form. Using technology as an “enricher” requires staff and students to think about how technology can make learning more rewarding & meaningful. Enable Enhance Enrich Using technology as an “empowerer” encourages students to take ownership of their use of technology in learning & teaching activities. Empower
  29. MIND EXERCISE LEARN A c > Beyond the subject Love

    of learning Active learning a < : Concentration Media resources Engagement Flipping for Students . a @digisim
  30. MIND EXERCISE LEARN A c > A bigger picture Love

    of teaching Coaching & Guiding a < : Less didactic Broadening resources Shared experience Flipping for Staff . a @digisim
  31. be agile. Introducing flipped means you can be more agile.

    Use face-to- face sessions to “assess” students understanding. 04 6 Tips for Flipping. Adapted from: https://campustechnology.com/Articles/2013/01/23/6-Expert-Tips-for-Flipping-the-Classroom.aspx?Page=1 small steps. Take small steps first, you can try “flipping” in a couple of sessions and think about why you have chosen to use it and what support you need. 05 flipped assessment. Don;t just focus on flipping your classroom. Think about flipping your learning. How can your use of formative assessments support the model? 06 existing tech. Use existing technology to make the transition to flipped easier for staff 01 transparency. Talk to your students about the “flipped classroom” model. Help them to transition into it. 02 03 student engagement. Provide opportunities for students to take the lead in sessions & to learn from each other. Remember it’s “guide on the side" a
  32. Why did I flip? The best experiences we have are

    those that we share with others and when we are face to face we can engage all of our senses. @digisim
  33. REFERENCES/INFO. This small-scale study was undertaken by the National Foundation

    for Educational Research (NFER) and Nesta. http://www.nesta.org.uk/sites/default/files/flipped_learning_-_research_report.pdf i https://thejournal.com/articles/2012/06/20/flipped-learning-founders-q-and-a.aspx This small-scale study was undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and Nesta. http://www.nesta.org.uk/sites/default/files/flipped_learning_-_practitioners_guide_0.pdf http://flippedlearning.org/cms/lib07/VA01923112/Centricity/Domain/41/Extension%20of%20Flipped %20Learning%20Lit%20Review%20June%202014.pdf http://www.flippedlearning.org/review http://www.sonicfoundry.com/wp-content/uploads/imports/flippedinfographic_1.pdf https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/partners/files/CLT_4EFrameworkIntroduction.pdf