von Software ‣ Neue / geänderte Anforderungen ‣ Änderungen im Kontext ‣ Externe Schnittstellen, Datenformate ‣ Technologie ‣ Organisation ‣ Aufgetretene Probleme ‣ Fehler ‣ Verletzung von Qualitätsanforderungen ‣ Hohe Betriebs- oder Änderungskosten ‣ Intrinsische Motivation von Entwicklern Geld!
ANALYZE ‣ ATAM: Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method. Systematic approach to find architectural risks and tradeoffs (compromises) . ‣ DATA ANALYSIS: Analyse and inspect the data created and manipulated by the system for its content, structure, quantity and size. ‣ PRE-INTERVIEW-QUESTIONNAIRE: Prior to interviewing stakeholders, present them with a written questionnaire, so they can reflect in advance. ‣ STATIC CODE ANALYSIS: Analyse source code to identify building blocks and their dependencies, determine complexity, coupling, cohesion and other structural properties.
and Patterns ‣ COLLECT PROBLEMS: Maintain a central list or overview of known problems, together with their cost/effort evaluation. ‣ COLLECT OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT: In all AIM42 phases, one should identify remedies for the currently known problems or their causes. ‣ IMPROVEMENT BACKLOG: A list or collection of remedies and their cost/effort/risk estimation. ‣ In the sense of lean and agile, teams shall try to FAIL FAST: The later a lack of quality is identified the higher are the costs to fix it.