- Technical.ly, Red Bank Green • Content Recommendations - Outbrain • Sponsorships - Greensboro News and Record, Wired and Slate • Underwriting - VT Digger • Native Ads - Billy Penn, The Lo Down
with local artists and businesses Think about expats who have left your community Plan for fulfillment, factor in extra costs Be transparent about affiliate links
Gannett • SEO Advice and Consulting - StateCollege.com • Marketing Partnerships - JSHN and JS inMotion • Job Boards and Networking - Technical.ly • Photography or Video Services - Morristown Green, Amherst Media
Communications Strategy and Consulting - Deb Smith • Coffee Shop that Subsidizes a Newsroom • Co-working Space - Civic Hall/Civicist, Corner Media • Financial Advice - Times of London
you distribute (direct mail, at local businesses, boxes, subscribers?) Can you manage the production time on top of your regular reporting? Does it help you reach a different audience?
you know better than anyone? How can you repackage your archives? Are there niches inside your audience you can serve more deeply? Would passionate fans pay for an app to get access or new functionality?
by clicks? Is there anyone else covering your topic/community without a paywall? How many subscribers do you need to be sustainable? What does the user want?
topics you cover regularly? Is there a compelling story that has stretched over time? Can you tap into local curiosity, pride, or history? What is the right price and format? EBOOKS