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Intro to Designing Online Courses

Intro to Designing Online Courses

Session for the OSU CFAES eCourse session on 2015-05-13

John Muir

May 13, 2015

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  1. Synchronous: Course or activity that takes place live, in real

    time Asynchronous: Course or activity where students can participate at different times, according to their own schedule
  2. Distance: Connecting students off campus to instruction at OSU Online:

    Courses or activities that take place online (e.g., in Carmen, Moodle, iTunesU)
  3. 1. A strong foundation 2. A great start to the

    course 3. An engaging weekly routine

    memory ▸ critical thinking ▸ motivation and self-regulation ▸ multimedia learning
  5. Ambrose, Susan A. 2010. How learning works: seven research-based principles

    for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  6. ▸ elearning that alternates text or video with quiz/reflection ▸

    primary source materials introduced by instructor videos ▸ self-produced or third-party video and multimedia ▸ reading assignments that are accompanied by guiding questions
  7. ▸ place to ask questions ▸ tied to structured activities

    (homework problems, etc.) ▸ case studies ▸ group sharing and peer feedback for papers, projects, etc.
  8. 1 What do you really want students to take away

    from the course, apart from the foundational knowledge you want them to gain?
  9. 2 How can students tell that they’ve mastered what you

    want them to learn and met the other goals you have for them?
  10. 3 What are the 5 best things a student could

    do in a typical week to learn and practice what you’re teaching?
  11. 5 How can you give students access to your expertise

    and your personality? What could they benefit from?
  12. 6 How can you get students to learn from one

    another and benefit from one another’s experience and presence in the course?
  13. 7 How can you get students to enjoy the course

    and care about what you’re teaching?