citizen government Complaint・Petition Public Services Universities / Research Institutes Administration / Local Government Engineers / Data Scientist Designer / Producer citizen Civic Tech
that usually do (for yourself/housemates) ◦ Whether you “like”, “dislike” or “so-so” the housework shared. • output ◦ Pie chart of each other's current share ◦ Pie chart showing the ideal split that the app suggests based on its algorithm Housework sharing concierge /家事分担コンシェルジュ
10 simple questions about transportation, housing, food, goods and services • output ◦ Carbon footprint caused by your lifestyle ◦ Proposing decarbonization actions that suit you Jibun-goto planet /じぶんごとプラネット
algorithms based on Japan's unique quantitative scientific evidence from National Institute for Environmental Studies Jibun-goto planet /じぶんごとプラネット
in hackathon コントリビューター(抜粋) • 国立精神・神経医療研究センター(NCNP) /National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry ◦ 認知行動療法センター ◦ 睡眠障害センター • Code for Japan • 大阪大学 • 九州大学 • 福島県立医科大学 • 中央大学 • 富山大学 貘(バク) imaginary animal which eating dream バクちゃん from NCNP #gussuri /ぐっすり😪 睡得香😪 숙면😪 deep sleep😪
for assessing insomnia would be to deploy both objective and subjective methods and to present such data side-by-side. Grandner and Perlis. 2019. JAMA Network Open, 2;2(12):e1918214. Sleep Objective Subjective Physical illness Mental illness 端末からデータを取れば自記しなくていいのでは? Is self-recording unnecessary with devices? #gussuri /ぐっすり😪 睡得香😪 숙면😪 deep sleep😪
PHRs -> try to retain personal health data without obtaining information pertaining to individuals,as much as possible. #gussuri /ぐっすり😪 睡得香😪 숙면😪 deep sleep😪 3.Transmit recorded data 2.Search for data based on Device ID in the database 1.Send Device ID
is not personal information a. Recorded data is tied to the terminal ID, and the holder's own information (name, etc.) is not obtained. b. Specialized in personal ease of use. (May be expanded through collaboration with medical institutions) 2. The user can spit out the data in CSV by themselves a. Records can be listed and reviewed b. User can share with physician, psychologist, etc. at one’s discretion. #gussuri /ぐっすり😪 睡得香😪 숙면😪 deep sleep😪 ID Name, address, age, etc.
been designed with the Northern Hemisphere, white and male society. Data about asians, women, children, and people with disabilities are not yet fully visualized. Issues in Science and Technology(R&D) visualization discussion research & development innovation or improvement recognition