see here. I shaped every aspect of this slide (text, typography, colours, location and composition of the picture, my posture, my attitude, the choice of a photographer…) to show you a precise facet of me, with selected connotations. But why 1,5 years to do that? Why so long? Photo : Thibault Paccard
box and figure out we need new ones. That’s when everything falls apart. « Maybe I should take advantage of this situation and change the design? I have moved on since then, maybe I should change my job title? But then, I’d have to change it on LinkedIn too, and on my CV, and oh my, this CV is just so outdated… Shivers are now running down my spine… Where should I start? What should I say? Thousands of questions now, WHO AM I? »
to pick for those damn cards. This is the question I want to address today: what should we do to reach the iceberg (our shiny new business cards) from the tiny ice plate we are standing on?
limited to our business cards: Everything we say (or don’t say), everything we do (or don’t) carries a message. We communicate through non verbal channels: our bodies, our faces and even silence are communication. How does that influence the way we express ourselves and how we introduce who we are?
internet, it comes to us, wether we are a company or an individual, private or not. We may have an online identity and presence that we are not aware of, even if we actively decided not to have any. Just check the Google results attached to your name or company. Sometimes, some surprising content may pop up…
is the outcome of circumstances that are often out of our hands: education, background, life path, relatives and friends, and lots of coincidences. People as well as companies end up being shaped by those unwanted parameters.
to answer a need or solve a problem. • Design puts things at their right place, where they should be to function well. « Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. » Photo : Stanford University archives
ease with them, • Dare to use them for decision making rather than relying on random interests, • Take the space we need to be ourselves, inline with who we are deep within. Designing oneself in 3 steps:
energy through a design process if we don’t do it with a deep acknowledgement of who we are within and if we don’t honour this work every day by living by our values without giving up to fear? Photo : Swaraj Tiwari BE ONESELF
I’m sure that you were asked to prove your experience and skills, maybe even your know-how. But what about all the other aspects of your personality or skills you have outside of your job title?
could be used and promoted in our jobs: humane skills, intuition and empathy are absolutely crucial to perform most of them. Organisations would benefit from so much more if they took our ambitions and interests into account. By ignoring them, we forbid ourselves to develop a part of who we are that could flourish in our lives as well as in our companies.
presence to the world My purpose what motivates my actions, how I change the world My goals and means my tools and what I choose to work on My communication how I choose to carry my message Photo : Sandis Helvigs
personal experience and in no way meant to be empirical. It is just, according to me, a good way to proceed with the most important, then narrowing down and easing each coming step. It’s easy to change the surface with good foundations on which we can rely to.
that should be of interest to companies as much as to individuals. I picked the following examples throughout organisations which defined their values and showcase them proudly. « A humane company is fair in what it is and what it does. »
talks about the concept of purpose for a company or an organisation. It is much more than a positioning or a commitment. A purpose is the backbone to any organisation or project and substantiates its existence and actions. Photo : Swaraj Tiwari
can you guess from it? what are your specific skills? how to action them to honour your purpose and values? 1 My values My purpose (evolutionary) 2 3 My goal(s)
nicer place, feel useful, drive meaningful projects, get a sense of belonging from it, all in respect of my integrity, ethics and well-being, and never at my own expense. Photo : Thanh NGuyen
on a daily basis and reminds me of my purpose as a professional and my values as a human being. I wrote a piece on Medium (in French) about the whole process that drove me to write my purpose and goal.
business card, website or portfolio, brochure, slides, LinkedIn profile… Start by asking yourself this straight-forward question : « am I depreciating myself ? Are my pics flattering? Are all my experiences worth mentioning? » A lot of people undervalue themselves without being aware of it. Innocent sentences, how they describe their products or how they express themselves negatively on social media for instance, bring a lot of damage to their online image. Your image and your products deserve the best you can give them online :)
marketing. They are the visual translation of your values and purpose. What we stand for how we stand out And don’t forget… See the mess Mozilla has started by asking the community to pick a logo design for them. https:/ / opendesign/now-for-the- fun-part/
use design principles and communication codes to build a visual rhetoric around your brand: do not hesitate to hire one! Sometimes designers themselves need help: I did not hesitate to ask my peers for help in the process to redesigning my portfolio. They were a precious help in stepping back from the work I was focusing on since months.
employee wanted to grow. I felt that something fundamental was missing to support this process. I decided to create a 10-rules manifesto which would formalise our purpose. This tool was instrumental and helped us throughout the whole recruitment process. The manifesto was seen as a crucial step taken into the creation of the company’s culture.
for a better world through user centered design. Being a designer means having a very strong sense of ethics. • I design for human beings : any design project has the same aim: being usable and being used. • as much as possible, I choose the projects where I invest my work in regards to their positive influence upon the world. • I advocate for good design practice rules with my customers • as much as possible, I push for a deep collaboration between my customers and me, a collaboration based on trust and the pursuit of a common goal
is part of the process: embrace it! Nothing is a failure. Everything is a reason to learn. Fail again and again! That’s how we learn to iterate and test hypotheses and assumptions. Let’s learn to experiment and fail without judging ourselves so harshly.
you don’t know who you are, Photo : Annie Spratt It is a first step towards what you like. Dismissing what you don’t like creates more space for future things that you will appreciate and will nurture you.
any given situation, non-negotiably, the songs of the Sirens aren’t so alluring. » « Photo : Mirada Vigerova taking-back-control-of-your-life/comment-page-3 tony schwartz
biggest product, Basecamp, had become more than just a good seller. They decided to focus on it only and they even renamed the company after it. They evolved
to give up swimming and focus on another sport. A lot of people showed their disappointment and got critical about his choice. But maybe the Olympic champion wanted to freely explore another facet of his life that looked more fulfilling to him? They evolved
oneself into question and step back from what we are doing, and do it often. I like to call it « move organically! ». Yoga teaches us to perform some moves that are just enough not to be painful while making our muscles stretch and improving our practice. No need to be always on the move. Life is made of peaks and plateaux, we just need to pay attention and keep an eye on what naturally wants to emerge. Move organically!
to become famous. Today, we share more than 5 billion things on Facebook every single day! Things change quickly, wether we like it or not. Change is inevitable!
to you to do your own benchmark according to YOUR needs and select what tools are best to fulfill them. Of course, nothing is set in stone: if a tool doesn’t suit you anymore, you can change it. The only important thing is not letting your project be defined by the tools you use just because you know them well. Now which tools to use?
the novelty can put your project in danger. Wait until you have walked a few miles with a tool: it will help you to see where it doesn’t work and what/where to change. Don’t change for the sake of change.
or semester: pick your own pace. Then take a moment to settle and look back at the last timespan elapsed. Read your purpose and manifesto again, ask yourself if you are still at ease with them and if your latest actions reflect your values. If something needs to be changed, you should see it by now during those meetings with yourself. Set up a meeting with yourself.
what did you enjoy doing as a kid? What was your dream job/career? What reasons did contribute to set them aside in the end? Maybe you can change that today!
Rik Godwin Make some little steps out of your comfort zone. Try to « fake it till you make it » and go to this meeting as if you were already the person you want to be in 1 year time. It can really be worth it! (and sometimes a bit scary too :D)
we want to sit there and get blasted in the face by all of this stuff and continue to be overwhelmed and inundated with technology and decisions. Or we can figure out a way to step away from the hose. » Brad frost
Champenois, Florent Goumy, Julien Fusco, Richard Godwin. Special thanks : Blend Web Mix, Christelle Mozzati. Photo credits :, authors names on each picture used.
http:/ / articles/on-ne-peut-pas-ne-pas- communiquer Valve - Company http:/ / Valve - Our people http:/ / people.html The Co-Operative Group Values and Principles http:/ / aboutus/the-co-operative-group-values- and-principles/ Agile Collective’s Ethical Policy http:/ / Sarah Morris - UX and brand: a marriage made in heaven http:/ / 133067988383/ux-brand-a-marriage- made-in-heaven Sarah Morris - Interact London 15 https:/ / Designer, où vas-tu ? https:/ / %C3%B9-vas-tu-32009f863db2#.pfos8afqh Design is a Job - Mike Monteiro https:/ / is-a-job Marie Guillaumet - Design de soi : valoriser son identité et son expertise sur le web http:/ / soi-paris-web-2015/ References
Creative Mornings https:/ / Wattage - Well, we failed https:/ / well-we-failed-77e795e16ecf#.qgqz7epb8 Teehan+Lax - And Now, For Our Next Act http:/ / next-act/ Frédéric Laloux - Reinventing organizations http:/ / Brad Frost - I have no idea what I’m doing http:/ / no-idea-what-the-hell-i-am-doing/ Elle Luna - The Crossroads of Should and Must https:/ / crossroads-of-should-and- must-90c75eb7c5b0 Designer, où vas-tu ? https:/ / %C3%B9-vas-tu-32009f863db2