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Content Security Policy: A successful mess betw...

Content Security Policy: A successful mess between hardening and mitigation

In this talk, we distill our multi-year experience fighting XSS at Google with nonce-based Content Security Policy, one of the most misunderstood and arguably, most powerful web mitigation techniques.

We aim to provide a technical in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of different flavors of CSP for the many classes of XSS vulnerabilities, busting myths and common misunderstandings, and explore the often fuzzy boundaries between hardening and mitigation techniques. In a world where there are a dozen major root causes of XSS, each with its own, distinct, preventive measures, we define a threat model in which CSP can provide strong defense-in-depth guarantees and enforce best coding practices, leading to a real hardening effect.

We present advanced CSP kung-fu, and finally we share for the first time data on real-world sensitive applications where exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities has been prevented on modern browsers by CSP. After attending this talk you will understand CSP, knowing its strengths and limits while appreciating its complexity and multifaceted nature.

Michele Spagnuolo

April 17, 2019

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  1. Content Security Policy A successful mess between hardening and mitigation

    Lukas Weichselbaum Michele Spagnuolo 2019 #LocoMocoSec Kauai, Hawaii
  2. We work in a focus area of the Google security

    team (ISE) aimed at improving product security by targeted proactive projects to mitigate whole classes of bugs. Michele Spagnuolo Senior Information Security Engineer Lukas Weichselbaum Staff Information Security Engineer
  3. • Why CSP - aka XSS is still an issue

    • Google CSP stats - how many XSS got mitigated in 2018 • CSP building blocks - mapping XSS sinks to CSP properties • Rolling out a nonce-based CSP • Advanced CSP Kung Fu • Productionizing CSP Agenda
  4. • The majority of application vulnerabilities are web platform issues

    • XSSin its various forms is still a big issue • The web platform is not secure by default • Especially for sensitive applications, defense-in-depth mechanisms such as CSP are very important in case primary security mechanisms fail The Need for Defense-in-Depth
  5. "raising the bar" • Increase the "cost" of an attack

    • Slow down the attacker Example: • whitelist-based CSP → sink isn't closed, attacker needs more time to find a whitelist bypass → often there is no control over content hosted on whitelisted domains (e.g. CDNs) Mitigation ≠ Mitigation vs Reducing the attack surface • Measurable security improvement • Disable unsafe APIs • Remove attack vectors • Target classes of bugs • Defense-in-depth (Don't forget to fix bugs!) Example: • block eval() or javascript: URI → all XSS vulnerabilities using that sink will stop working • nonce-based CSP Hardening Steps induced by CSP • Refactor inline event handlers • Refactor uses of eval() • Incentive to use contextual templating system for auto-noncing
  6. Very sensitive domains Sensitive domains CSP Coverage at Google Currently

    a nonce-based CSP is enforced on: 62% of all outgoing Google traffic 80+ Google domains (e.g. accounts.google.com) 160+ services
  7. • Externally reported XSS in 2018 • Among 11 XSS

    vulnerabilities on very sensitive domains ◦ 9 were on endpoints with strict CSP deployed, in 7 of which (78%) CSP successfully prevented exploitation • Among all valid 69 XSS vulnerabilities on sensitive domains ◦ 20 were on endpoints with strict CSP deployed ◦ in 12 of which (60%) CSP successfully prevented exploitation Google Case Study: >60% of XSS Blocked by CSP
  8. Very sensitive domains with CSP All sensitive domains with CSP

    Google Case Study: >60% of XSS Blocked by CSP
  9. NO 18% (2) YES 82% (9) XSS occured on endpoint

    covered by CSP YES 78% (7) YES 100% (2) XSS mitigated by CSP XSS could be mitigated by CSP Could be mitigated by additional whitelist-based CSP 2 XSS 9 XSS 2 XSS NO 22% (2) YES 100% (2) 11 XSS on very sensitive domains 11 XSS On Very Sensitive Domains: ~80% of XSS Blocked by CSP
  10. Mapping Common XSS Sinks to CSP Features XSS sink (injection

    into...) CSP blocks if... javascript: URI (i.e., javascript:alert(1)) 'unsafe-inline' data: URI (i.e., data:text/html,<script>alert(1)</script>) 'unsafe-inline' (inner)HTML context (i.e., <div><script>alert(1)</script></div>) 'unsafe-inline' inline event handler (i.e., onerror=alert(1)) 'unsafe-inline' eval() (i.e., eval('alert(1)') 'unsafe-eval' script#text (i.e., var s = createElement('script'); s.innerText = 'alert(1)';) 'sha256-...' 'nonce-...' 'strict-dynamic' (if scripts are not blindly nonced) script#src (i.e., var s = createElement('script'); s.src = 'attacker.js';) 'nonce-...' 'strict-dynamic' (if scripts are not blindly nonced) AngularJS-like template injection (i.e., {{constructor.constructor('alert(1)')()}}) Must be addressed in the framework. e.g. upgrade AngularJS to Angular 2+
  11. • >95% of the Web's whitelist-based CSP are bypassable automatically

    ◦ Research Paper: https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub45542 ◦ Check yourself: http://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com ◦ The remaining 5% might be bypassable after manual review • Example: JSONP, AngularJS, ... hosted on whitelisted domain (esp. CDNs) • Whitelists are hard to create and maintain → breakages Why NOT a whitelist-based CSP? TL;DR Don't use them! They're almost always trivially bypassable. script-src 'self' https://www.google.com; More about CSP whitelists: ACM CCS '16, IEEE SecDev '16, AppSec EU '17, Hack in the Box '18,
  12. script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; Recap: What is

    a nonce-based CSP Content-Security-Policy: ✔ <script nonce="r4nd0m">kittens()</script> ✘ <script nonce="other-value">evil()</script> Trust scripts added by already trusted code Execute only scripts with the correct nonce attribute ✔<script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement('script') s.src = "/path/to/script.js"; ✔ document.head.appendChild(s); </script>
  13. • Trade-off between covered XSS sinks vs. ease of deployment

    • CSP security guarantees are not binary ◦ Aim for actual reduction of attack surface instead of "raising the bar" ◦ Trivial example: CSP w/o 'unsafe-eval' will block all eval-based XSS • Refactoring work mostly varies based on ◦ Type of CSP ◦ Application (e.g. how many inline event handlers, use of eval(), size, etc.) Incremental Rollout of a nonce-based CSP
  14. nonce-based + strict-dynamic nonce-only nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval +

    hashed attributes nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval remaining XSS attack surface adoption effort fewer sinks covered more sinks covered easy hard L1 L2 L3 L4 = soon v75 Incremental CSP Adoption start finish Towards a Stronger nonce-based CSP (Level 1-4)
  15. L2: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval';

    object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; PROs: + Reflected/stored XSS mitigated + Little refactoring required • <script> tags in initial response must have a valid nonce attribute • inline event-handlers and javascript: URIs must be refactored + Works if you don't control all JS + Good browser support CONs: - eval() sink not covered - DOM XSS partially covered - e.g. injection in dynamic script creation possible TL;DR Sweet spot! Good trade off between refactoring and covered sinks. soon
  16. L2: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval';

    object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; XSS Sinks Covered: javascript: URI ✓ data: URI ✓ (inner)HTML context ✓ inline event handler ✓ eval ✘ script#text ✘ ✓ if script is hashed script#src ✘ AngularJS-like template injection ✘ (✓ if upgraded to Angular 2+ or similar) soon
  17. L2: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval';

    object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; Common Refactoring Steps: <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)">a</a> <a onclick="alert('clicked')">b</a> <script src="stuff.js"/> <script> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); </script> </html> <html> <a href="#">a</a> <a id="link">b</a> <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="stuff.js"/> <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js' document.body.appendChild(s); document.getElementById('link') .addEventListener('click', alert('clicked')); </script> </html> soon
  18. L3: nonce-based + strict-dynamic script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri

    'none'; PROs: + Reflected/stored XSS mitigated + Little refactoring required • <script> tags in initial response must have a valid nonce attribute • inline event handlers and javascript: URIs must be refactored + Works if you don't control all JS + Good browser support CONs: - DOM XSS partially covered - e.g. injection in dynamic script creation possible TL;DR Sweet spot! Good trade off between refactoring and covered sinks. soon
  19. L3: nonce-based + strict-dynamic script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri

    'none'; XSS Sinks Covered: javascript: URI ✓ data: URI ✓ (inner)HTML context ✓ inline event handler ✓ eval ✓ script#text ✘ ✓ if script is hashed script#src ✘ AngularJS-like template injection ✘ (✓ if upgraded to Angular 2+ or similar) soon
  20. L3: nonce-based + strict-dynamic script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri

    'none'; Common Refactoring Steps: <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)">a</a> <a onclick="alert('clicked')">b</a> <script src="stuff.js"/> <script> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); var j = eval('(' + json + ')'); </script> </html> <html> <a href="#">a</a> <a id="link">b</a> <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="stuff.js"/> <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js' document.body.appendChild(s); document.getElementById('link') .addEventListener('click', alert('clicked')); var j = JSON.parse(json); </script> </html> soon
  21. L3.5: hash-based + strict-dynamic script-src 'sha256-avWk...' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri

    'none'; <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)">a</a> <a onclick="alert('clicked')">b</a> <script src="stuff.js"/> <script> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynLoadedStuff.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); </script> </html> <html> <a href="#">a</a> <a id="link">b</a> <script> // sha256-avWk... var urls = ['stuff.js',''dynLoadedStuff.js']; urls.map(url => { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = url; document.body.appendChild(s); }); document.getElementById('link') .addEventListener('click', alert('clicked')); </script> </html> Refactoring steps for static/single-page apps: soon
  22. L4: nonce-only script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; PROs: +

    Best coverage of XSS sinks possible in the web platform + Supported by all major browsers + Every running script was explicitly marked as trusted CONs: - Large refactoring required - ALL <script> tags must have a valid nonce attribute - inline event-handlers and javascript: URIs must be refactored - You need be in control of all JS - all JS libs/widgets must pass nonces to child scripts TL;DR Holy grail! All traditional XSS sinks covered, but hard to deploy. soon
  23. L4: nonce-only script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; javascript: URI

    ✓ data: URI ✓ (inner)HTML context ✓ inline event handler ✓ eval ✓ script#text ✓ (✘ iff untrusted script explicitly marked as trusted) ✓ if script is hashed script#src ✓ (✘ iff untrusted URL explicitly marked as trusted) AngularJS-like template injection ✘ (✓ if upgraded to Angular 2+ or similar) XSS Sinks Covered: soon
  24. L4: nonce-only script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; Refactoring Steps:

    <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)">a</a> <a onclick="alert('clicked')">b</a> <script src="stuff.js"/> <script> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); </script> </html> <html> <a href="#">a</a> <a id="link">b</a> <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="stuff.js"/> <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'dynamicallyLoadedStuff.js' s.setAttribute('nonce', 'r4nd0m'); document.body.appendChild(s); document.getElementById('link') .addEventListener('click', alert('clicked')); </script> </html> soon
  25. L1 nonce-based, strict-dynamic, eval, hashed attributes L2 nonce-based, strict-dynamic, eval

    L3 nonce-based, strict-dynamic L4 nonce only L5 nonce only, whitelist Trusted Types javascript: URI ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ~(1) data: URI ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ~(1) (inner)HTML context ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ~(1) inline event handler ~ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ~(1) eval ✘ ✘ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ script#text ✘ ✘ ✘ ~ ~ ✓ script#src ✘ ✘ ✘ ~ ✓ ✓ AngularJS-like template injection ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ~ XSS Attack Surface by CSP Type 1) limited to DOM XSS
  26. CSP Coverage at Google by Type (2018) L2: nonce +

    strict-dynamic + eval L3: nonce + strict-dynamic L4/eval: nonce-only + eval report-only
  27. L3: nonce + strict-dynamic (no eval) L4/eval: nonce-only + eval

    (no strict-dynamic) CSP Coverage at Google by Type (excl. L2, 2019)
  28. CSP Types @Google by Domain Sensitivity (2019) L2: nonce+strict-dynamic+eval L3:

    nonce+strict-dynamic L4/eval: nonce-only + eval L4: nonce-only Very sensitive domains Sensitive domains
  29. script-src-elem • applies to all script requests and inline script

    blocks. • unlike script-src, this directive doesn't control attributes that execute scripts (inline event handlers) script-src-attr • controls attributes e.g. inline event handlers • 'unsafe-hashes' keyword allows the use of hashes for inline event handlers • overrides the script-src directive for relevant checks. (style-src-elem and style-src-attr are similar) New in CSP3 - script-src-elem and script-src-attr
  30. PROs: + Almost no refactoring required • <script> tags in

    initial response must have a valid nonce attribute + Strictly better than no CSP → Good starting point script-src-attr 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-....'; script-src-elem 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; L1: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval + hashed attributes v75 CONs: - Many sinks not covered (see next slide) - Currently only supported in Chrome v75+ - In case of HTML injection → hashed event-handlers can be chained (ROP-like) PoC: https://poc.webappsec.dev/csp/hashed_attr_csp.html TL;DR Only use if you can't refactor inline event handlers / javascript: URIs
  31. L1: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval + hashed attributes v75

    script-src-attr 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-....'; script-src-elem 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; XSS Sinks Covered: javascript: URI ✓ data: URI ✓ (inner)HTML context ✓ inline event handler ~ (all hashed event handlers can be reused) eval ✘ (✓ if 'unsafe-eval' removed from CSP) script#text ✘ ✓ if script is hashed instead of nonced script#src ✘ AngularJS-like template injection ✘ (✓ if upgraded to Angular 2+ or similar)
  32. L1: nonce-based + strict-dynamic + unsafe-eval + hashed attributes Required

    Refactoring: <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)"> <a onclick="alert('clicked')"> <script>alert('hi')</script> <script src="stuff.js"/> </html> <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)"> // sha256-rRMdk... <a onclick="alert('clicked')"> // sha256-jE1Jw... <script nonce="r4nd0m">alert('hi')</script> <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="stuff.js"/> </html> v75 script-src-attr 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-jE1Jw...' 'sha256-rRMdk...'; script-src-elem 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';
  33. L1.5: hash-based + strict-dynamic + hashed attributes script-src-attr 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-jE1Jw...'

    'sha256-rRMdk...'; script-src-elem 'sha256-CXAtY...' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)"> <a onclick="alert('clicked')"> <script src="stuff.js"/> </html> <html> <a href="javascript:void(0)"> // sha256-rRMdk... <a onclick="alert('clicked')"> // sha256-jE1Jw... <script> // sha256-CXAtY... var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'stuff.js' document.body.appendChild(s); // allowed by strict-dynamic </script> </html> v75 Refactoring steps for static/single-page apps:
  34. • More than one CSP header per response! • Every

    CSP is enforced independently of each other by the browser ◦ Adding additional CSPs can only add constraints ◦ e.g. in order to run a script has to pass every CSP on the response! • This allows very advanced setups ◦ e.g. instead of allowing a script to load if it's whitelisted OR has a nonce (single CSP), it is possible to enforce that the script is from a trusted origin AND has a nonce • Multiple CSPs can either be set via ◦ multiple response headers ◦ or in a single response header split via , (comma) - RFC 2616 Double Policies - The Best of Both Worlds script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'self';
  35. Double Policies - Example script-src 'self', script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none';

    base-uri 'none'; Allowed - ✓ CSP#1, ✓ CSP#2 - script has nonce and is hosted on same domain Blocked - ✓ CSP#1, ✘ CSP#2 - missing nonce attribute Blocked - ✘ CSP#1, ✓ CSP#2 - domain not whitelisted <html> ✓ <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="foo.js"></script> </html> <html> ✘ <script src="foo.js"></script> </html> <html> ✘ <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="example.org/foo.js"></script> </html> CSP#1 CSP#2
  36. L5: Double Policy: separate whitelist + nonce-only script-src 'self', script-src

    'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; PROs: + Can block XSS where • nonced/trusted scripts get redirected • injection into script#src CONs: - Large refactoring required - Additional burden of creating/maintaining whitelist - Complex approach TL;DR Very hard to deploy (approach also makes sense for 'strict-dynamic' CSPs)
  37. L5: Double Policy: separate whitelist + nonce-only script-src 'self', script-src

    'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; javascript: URI ✓ data: URI ✓ (inner)HTML context ✓ inline event handler ✓ eval ✓ script#text ✓ (✘ iff untrusted script explicitly marked as trusted) ✓ if script is hashed script#src ✓ (only scripts from whitelisted domains, due to double policy usual whitelist bypasses don't apply!) AngularJS-like template injection ✘ (✓ if upgraded to Angular 2+ or similar) XSS Sinks Covered:
  38. • Aims to block CSS attacks by requiring CSP nonces

    for <style> tags: ◦ CSS Keylogger - https://github.com/maxchehab/CSS-Keylogging ◦ @import-based - https://medium.com/@d0nut/better-exfiltration-via-html-injection-31c72a2dae8b • <style> tags are more powerful (CSS selectors!) than inline style attributes • Reduces refactoring effort to noncing of <style> blocks • style-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' would be better (stricter) ◦ but much harder to deploy, because all inline styles would need to get refactored • Can be combined with script-src CSP directives CSP Beyond XSS - What About <style> Injections? style-src-elem 'nonce-r4nd0m'; style-src-attr 'unsafe-inline';
  39. • Add the 'report-sample' keyword to the script-src directive →

    inline violations will contain a sample of the blocked expression • Allows to differentiate between blocked inline scripts and inline event handlers • Allows to identify which script was blocked → Possible to identify false positives (e.g. noise due to browser extensions) • Example report: Meaningful CSP Reports script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample'; report-uri /csp; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; csp-report: blocked-uri:"inline" document-uri:"https://f.bar/foo" effective-directive:"script-src" script-sample:"hello(1)"
  40. Overview of CSP Fallbacks ignored in presence of since version

    'unsafe-inline' 'nonce-...' CSP v2 'sha256-...' CSP v2 https:, http:, any.whitelist.com 'strict-dynamic' CSP v3 script-src (for elements) script-src-elem CSP v3 script-src (for attributes) script-src-attr CSP v3 style-src (for elements) style-src-elem CSP v3 style-src (for attributes) style-src-attr CSP v3
  41. CSP as seen by CSP3 Browser CSP as seen by

    CSP2 Browser CSP as seen by CSP1 Browser Fallbacks for Old Browsers script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; ignored not supported
  42. • Nonce-based CSPs cover the classical reflected/stored XSS very well

    • A nonce-based CSP with 'strict-dynamic' ◦ is a good trade-off between security and adoption effort ◦ covers classical reflected/stored XSS very well ◦ has limitations when it comes to DOM XSS ◦ was able to block 60%-80% of externally reported XSS at Google • If possible upgrade to nonce-only • CSP is a defense-in-depth mechanism ◦ it's meant to protect the user when primary security mechanisms (e.g. escaping) fail ◦ it's not an excuse to not fix underlying bugs • Always double check your CSP with the CSP Evaluator: csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com Wrapping up
  43. Use a nonce-based CSP with strict-dynamic: If possible, upgrade to

    a nonce-only CSP: Recommended reading: csp.withgoogle.com In Brief script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; L3 L4
  44. Mahalo! Questions? 2019 #LocoMocoSec Kauai, Hawaii You can find us

    at: {lwe,mikispag}@google.com @we1x, @mikispag Slides: