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How to find problem causes and performance impr...

How to find problem causes and performance improvement

Presentation to explain how to find problem causes and performance improvement for Android developers.

Fukui Atsuko

March 09, 2017

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  1. About me • ෱Ҫರࢠ / Fukui Atsuko • @muumuumuumuu •

    Retty, Inc. • ͦͷલ͸૊ΈࠐΈܥAndroidͷ͓࢓ࣄ
  2. Agenda • ໨ඪɺલఏ஌ࣝͷ֬ೝ • Case 1: Systrace • Case 2:

    Allocation Tracker • ͓·͚1: Memory Leak • ͓·͚2: ֶशࢿྉ
  3. Android Developers • ͝ଘ஌ެࣜReference • ͜ͷ͋ͨΓ͕ΦεεϝͰ͢ • Develop > Training

    > Best Practices for Performance • Develop > Android Studio >User Guide > Profile Your App