Testing 1. Metadata 1.1 Name Is it named consistently with code and web-based documentation? 1.2 Namespace Is it namespaced as ESDS-? 1.3. Description Does it include a one sentence introduction and any important "Use Whens? 1.4 Status Is status up-to-date with commensurate code version (X.X.X) and stability (Stable vs Experimental)? 2. Anatomy 2.1 Layer name Are element names consistent with specification and code? 2.2 Layer Are layer names formatted as actual names in sentence case, not “Frame ###”? 2.3 Layer shorthand Are naming conventions applied, such as using space between (]-[) for layers applying only autolayout or emoji for indicators like edi 2.4 Nested component names Are nested components named descriptively (such as Dismiss Icon) instead of nested component's default name (Icon)? 2.5 Default visiblity Are layers shown or hidden appropriately, including layers within hidden layers? 3. Color 3.1 Color accuracy Are background, text, and stroke colors applied accurately?? 3.2 Color styles Is every fill, stroke, solid color and gradient color applying a color style instead of a hardcoded value, when possible? 3.3 Color specificity Is each style applying the most semantically specific (Text > Link > On Dark) instead of generic (Palette > Blue > 50) style? 3.4 Hardcoded properties Where a hardcoded value is used, has it been discussed and agreed upon? 3.5 Buried Colors Are "buried" hardcoded colors - applied to shadow effects and other non-styled locations - applied accurately? 4. Text 4.1 Text styles Is each text layer associated with a defined text style? 4.2 Non-text style properties Are properties not styles - list style, vertical alignment, and horizontal alignment - accurately applied or omitted? 5. Properties 5.1. Property names Are properties named and formatted correctly? 5.2. Property order Are properties ordered sensibly, such as by priority, alphabetical, related sets, or documented order across components? 5.3. Option names Are property options named and formatted correctly? 5.4. Option order Are options ordered correctly, such as by scale order ( small then medium then large) or alphabetical? 5.5. Default option Diam quis enim loborti scelerxq. Cras semper auctor neque vitae. Quis amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Urna molestie at elementum eu. Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis tristique. Eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam A Custom Link Label {Title} {Details} {Button} {Title} {Label} C o n t e n t C o l l i s i o n W R O N G C O N T E N T M I S S I N G C O N T E N T