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Dr Weblove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying A...

Dr Weblove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Photoshop and Love Designers

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, developers and designers worked in harmony creating amazing web sites and applications. Back on Earth though it's not quite the fairy tale story. Remy's a developer, who has worked with more than healthy handful designers over the last decade and more ("but he's so young and good looking!" we hear you cry). His session will share what worked and what didn't, tips and tricks to make life a little easier. What's simple in a design to implement and what was hard. How he looks for risk in a project and how that's shared with the designers and client. How do you quote and how do you get your quotes right. When to choose an off the shelf library or when to build something bespoke.

Remy Sharp

May 15, 2012

More Decks by Remy Sharp

Other Decks in Business


  1. Dr. Weblove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About

    Photoshop and Love Designers http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/4152356696
  2. How I go from a visual design (i.e. a mock)

    and make it a real weby thingy Or more specifically: But that's a crap title.
  3. ๏Mock ➡ Developer ๏Deconstructing the mock: work, risk, costs ๏Approach

    to coding My Plan: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zervas/3848962977/
  4. Designers: How to prepare a design that devs can use

    + work flow with clients/manages Developers: Process tips for dev and testing
  5. What can't you see? The invisibles will always bite you

    in the arse. http://www.flickr.com/photos/remysharp/1163289602/
  6. ๏When third parties are involved ๏What you don't immediately know

    how to solve ๏Where you can't visualise a solution
  7. [bling image] Costing ๏Never give quotes off the bat ๏Break

    down into components ๏Deadlines are a cost factor ๏Cost IE6 separately http://www.flickr.com/photos/deronkamisato/4965826757
  8. Estimates & Quotes ๏ Get it wrong first ๏ Track

    your hours ๏ Compare to the quote ๏ Repeat ๏ Mine was consistently out by 20% http://www.flickr.com/photos/pacdog/213744694/
  9. Deadlines ๏Don't miss them ๏Don't slip and slip and slip

    ๏Very few deadlines can't be moved ๏Urgent rarely means urgent http://www.flickr.com/photos/klif/2847294014
  10. Style: choose ๏Style for design/desktop fixed width ๏Style for lowest

    possible size ๏Style for multiple deployed versions - ala gmail
  11. jQuery plugins Good for fast prototyping Quality is mixed, and

    often do way more than you need ixedit.com, jqueryfordesigners.com, try out some coding!
  12. 1. Build without jQuery. 2.Design the start and end of

    your effects without jQuery. 3.Add jQuery a little at a time.
  13. Offline → Not quite offline ๏Lets the client see it

    in prototype stage ๏Dropbox is your friend ๏Get a short url for mobile testing
  14. Recap Time 1. Remember function as well as form 2.

    Anticipate the invisibles 3. Prototype 4. KI(RF)SS