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Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps

Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps

Delivered at FrontTrends 2012 in Warsaw.

Rebecca Murphey

April 26, 2012

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  1. Beyond the DOM: Sane Structure for JS Apps Rebecca Murphey

    • @rmurphey • FrontTrends 2012 Thursday, April 26, 12
  2. function ObjInlineDown(e) { if (is.ie) e = event if (is.ie

    && ! is.ieMac && e.button != 1 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ieMac && e.button != 0) return if (is.ns && ! is.ns4 && e.button != 0 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ns4 && e.which != 1 && e.which != 3) return this.onSelect() this.onDown() } function ObjInlineUp(e) { if (is.ie) e = event if (is.ie && ! is.ieMac && e.button != 1 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ieMac && e.button != 0) return if (is.ns && ! is.ns4 && ! is.nsMac && e.button != 0 && e.button != 2) return if (is.ns4 && e.which != 1 && e.which != 3) return if ((!is.ns4 && e.button == 2) || (is.ns4 && e.which == 3)) { if (this.hasOnRUp) { document.oncontextmenu = ocmNone this.onRUp() setTimeout("document.oncontextmenu = ocmOrig", 100) } } else if (this.hasOnUp) this.onUp() } Thursday, April 26, 12
  3. <div id="searchForm"> <form class="form-inline"> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your search term">

    <button type="submit">Search</button> </form> <ul id="searchResults"></ul> </div> Thursday, April 26, 12
  4. $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit'); e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(),

    req = $.getJSON('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&q=' + encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, function(r) { return '<li>' + '<p class="tweet">' + r.text + '</p>' + '<p class="username">' + r.from_user + '</p>' + '</li>'; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  5. a').hasClass('md_fullpage')) { // alert('clicked section is current section AND fullpage

    mode is active; teaser should load'); // Minimize jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').removeClass('md_fullpage'); jQuery('.md_body').hide(); jQuery('#md_feature').slideDown('normal',function(){ var bodyContent = jQuery('#md_body_'+ section); bodyContent.fadeOut('normal',function(){ jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').each(function(){ var thisSection = jQuery(this).html().replace('<span<','').replace('<\/span<',''); var thisSection_comp = thisSection.toLowerCase().replace(' ','_'); jQuery('#md_body_'+ thisSection_comp).load( '/app/modules/info/loadTeaser.php?sect='+ thisSection_comp, function(){ tb_init('.md_body a.thickbox, .md_body area.thickbox, .md_body input.thickbox'); bodyContent.animate({ height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle' },"slow"); } ); }); }); }); jQuery('#expandtabs span').empty().append('Expand Tabs'); } else { // if the clicked section is NOT the current section OR we're NOT in full page mode // then let's go to full page mode and show the whole tab // Maximize // alert('clicked section is not the current section OR full page mode is not active; full section should load'); jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation li').removeClass('current'); jQuery('#md_tab_'+ section).addClass('current'); jQuery('#md_tabs_navigation a').addClass('md_fullpage'); jQuery('.md_body').hide(); jQuery('#md_feature').slideUp('normal',function(){ var bodyContent = jQuery('#md_body_'+ section); bodyContent.fadeOut('normal',function(){ bodyContent.empty(); var pageLoader = 'info/loadSection.php?sect='+ section; if (section == 'contact_us') { pageLoader = 'contact/loadContactForm.php?form_id=1'; } bodyContent.load('/app/modules/'+ pageLoader,function(){ // ADD THICKBOXES tb_init('.md_body a.thickbox, .md_body area.thickbox, .md_body input.thickbox'); $recent_news_links = jQuery('ul.md_news li a.recent_news_link'); $recent_news_links .unbind('click') .each(function(){ var hrefMod = this.href; hrefMod = hrefMod.replace(/article/,'loadNews').replace(/storyid/,'id'); this.href = hrefMod; }) .click(function(){ var t = this.title || this.name || null; Thursday, April 26, 12
  6. search data search input search results $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit');

    e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(), req = $.getJSON('http://search.twitter.com encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, functi return '<li>' + '<p class="tweet">' + r.text + '</p>' + '<p class="username">' + r.from_user + ' '</li>'; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  7. define([ 'jquery', 'text!template.html' ], function($, html) { return function() {

    $('body').append(html); }; }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  8. require.config({ deps : [ 'main' ], paths : { //

    JavaScript folders lib : '../lib', plugins : '../lib/plugins', tests : '../tests', app : '.', // Libraries jquery : '../lib/jquery', underscore : '../lib/underscore', backbone : '../lib/backbone', text : '../lib/plugins/text' } }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  9. require([ 'use!backbone', 'jquery', 'router', 'models/app' ], function(B, $, Router, app)

    { $(function() { app.router = new Router(); B.history.start(); }); }); app/main Thursday, April 26, 12
  10. views display data, announce user interaction, and await further instruction

    models & collections manage application state and communicate with the server controllers set up views, transport messages from views to models & collections Thursday, April 26, 12
  11. searches collection keeps track of recent search terms search data

    collection fetches results from the server for a given search term app model keeps track of general application state, including the current search search model for representing individual searches Thursday, April 26, 12
  12. $("#searchForm form").submit(function(e) { alert('submit'); e.preventDefault(); var term = $('#searchForm input').val(),

    req = $.getJSON('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callba encodeURIComponent(term)); req.then(function(resp) { var resultsHTML = $.map(resp.results, function(r) { return '<li>' + '<p class="tweet">' + r.text + '</p>' + '<p class="username">' + r.from_user + '</p>' + '</li>'; }).join(''); $('#searchResults').html(resultsHTML); }); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  13. prepare : function() { _.bindAll(this, 'release', '_onSearch', '_disable'); }, events

    : { 'submit .search-form' : '_onSearch' }, _onSearch : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.disabled) { return; } var term = $.trim(this.$('.js-input').val()); if (!term) { return; } this._disable(); this.trigger('search', term); }, release : function() { this.disabled = false; this.$('.js-submit').removeAttr('disabled'); }, Thursday, April 26, 12
  14. searchForm.on('search', update); function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing

    = searches.where({ term : term }), dfd = $.Deferred(), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (term) { if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject) .always(searchForm.release); app.router.navigate('search/' + term); } else { dfd.resolve(); } return dfd; } Thursday, April 26, 12
  15. it("should announce the form submission", function() { var t; sf.on('search',

    function(term) { t = term; }); el.find('.js-input').val('searchterm'); el.find('.search-form').submit(); expect(t).to.be('searchterm'); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  16. it("should update the page when the search form announces a

    search", function(done) { var searchFormEl = $('.component.search-form').parent(), searchForm = _.filter(s.views, function(v) { return v.$el[0] === searchFormEl[0]; })[0]; s.searchData.on('change', function() { expect($('.component.results').html()).to.contain('srchr'); expect($('.component.recent-searches').html()).to.contain('srchr'); expect(navigatedTo).to.be('search/srchr'); done(); }); searchForm.trigger('search', 'srchr'); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  17. function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing = searches.where({

    term : term }), dfd = $.Deferred(), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (term) { if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject) .always(searchForm.release); app.router.navigate('search/' + term); } else { dfd.resolve(); } return dfd; } Thursday, April 26, 12
  18. function update(t) { var term = $.trim(t), existing = searches.where({

    term : term }), search; app.set('currentSearch', term); if (existing.length) { search = existing[0]; search.update(); } else { search = new Search({ term : term }); searches.add(search); } searchData.fetch({ data : { term : term } }) .always(searchForm.release); app.router.navigate('search/' + term); } Thursday, April 26, 12
  19. describe("#update", function() { it("should update the time", function(done) { var

    search = new Search(), oldTime = search.get('time'); setTimeout(function() { search.update(); expect(search.get('time')).to.be.greaterThan(oldTime); done(); }, 1000); }); }); Thursday, April 26, 12
  20. it("should update when there is a new search", function() {

    expect(el.html()).not.to.contain('baz'); rs.currentSearch = function() { return 'baz'; }; rs.searches.add({ term : 'baz' }); expect(el.html()).to.contain('baz'); expect(el.find('.active').html()).to.contain('baz'); }); Thursday, April 26, 12