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brightonSEO April 2024. Confirmation Bias - wha...

brightonSEO April 2024. Confirmation Bias - what people are REALLY searching for

Confirmation bias is the human tendency to only seek out information that supports someone's position or idea. It impacts how people search, take in information, and how we SEO. When people make informational searches they are phrasing their searches in a particular way to get the SERP they want without even being aware of the fact they're doing it. And, they're only reading content that supports their original stance. By understanding what conformation bias is and how it impacts search, SEOs can not only learn how to interpret things like keywords and search intent better, they'll be able to do their part to fight misinformation that we're seeing constantly in today's digital world.

Sarah Presch

April 20, 2024

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. Confirmation bias – what people are REALLY searching for Sarah

    Presch DRAGON METRICS @sarah_presch Speakerdeck.com/sarahpresch
  2. Cognitive Biases Cognitive biases are errors in thinking, which we’re

    often unaware of, which impact our ability to make judgements. @sarah_presch
  3. Why does it happen? As people, we’re not very good

    at making quick, rational decisions. Which is why we use heuristics to help us. @sarah_presch
  4. Categorization Categorization in psychology is the process humans use to

    sort objects, experiences, and even people into groups or classes. @sarah_presch
  5. Confirmation Bias Confirmation bias is the human tendency to search

    for, interpret, and remember information which confirms our existing beliefs @sarah_presch
  6. It’s even worse for non-English results @sarah_presch Is ADHD linked

    to food? Are you energized? Or, on the contrary, depressed, tired and irritated? Sugar is to blame for everything. One rule is certain, the higher the blood sugar rises after a meal…
  7. It’s even worse for non-English results @sarah_presch Is ADHD linked

    to food? Official research did not find a link between specific ingredients and allergies or mental conditions…
  8. Improve Media Literacy @sarah_presch • Think about sources • Be

    aware of biases • Fact-check • Understand search engine algorithms • Evaluate website quality • Think about how keywords are phrased • Think critically about keywords
  9. Steps We Can Take • Use qualified writers • Think

    before we mass produce content • Evaluate the keywords we choose • Understand there’s more to the algorithm that SEO • Educate ourselves & our team @sarah_presch