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Developing with Cassandra

Developing with Cassandra


July 02, 2013

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  1. In memory Key-Value: Redis CouchBase File system BerkeleyDB Distributed file

    system HDFS Velocity Volume Variety In memory NewSQL / domain specific VoltDB Traditional [SQL] RDBMS MongoDB Distributed DBMS Cassandra HBase CAP theorem: • Consistency • Availability • Partition tolerance - pick two Eventual consistency Transactional? • No Choose the DB
  2. Why select Cassandra? • [relatively] easy to setup • [relatively]

    easy to use • ~zero routine ops • it works (!!) as promised: o real-time replication o node/site failure recovery o zero load writes o double of nodes = double of speed
  3. Because Cassandra is Fast! But needs some time to deliver

    • 12'000 WPS on a laptop • ~0.1 / 1 ms constant latency for writes/reads
  4. Good For: • log-like data TTL helps • massive writes

    1M WPS enough? • simple real-time analytics Not So Good For: • dump of junk (consider HDFS) • OLAP (depends on "O") Good and Not So Good
  5. Distributed DBMS Just DBMS - closed monolithic solution o not

    a platform to run custom code (as MongoDB); o not an extension (as HBase); o highly optimized No-master, eventually consistent NoSQL Data model - Key-Value http://cassandra.apache.org Apache Cassandra
  6. Developed at Facebook for Inbox search Released to open source

    in 2008 In use: • Netflix - main non-content data store~500 Cassandra nodes (2012) • eBay - recommendation system"dozens of nodes", 200 TB storage (2012) • Twitter - tweet analysis100 + TB of data • More clients: (http://www.datastax.com/cassandrausers) History
  7. 1.0 - October 2011 1.1 - April 2012 1.2 -

    January 2013 2.0 - expected this summer (2013) June 26 2013 - 158 bugs, 89 worth to notice Sperasoft Experience: • hit 1 bug in production (stability issue) • hit 1 bug in QA (in a crafted case) Mature & Agile
  8. Apache .tar.gz and Debian packageshttp://cassandra.apache.org/download/ DataStax DSC - Cassandra +

    OpsCenter http://planetcassandra.org/Download/DataStaxCommunityEdition Embedded – for funct. tests on Java apps Maven Documentation http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ http://www.datastax.com/docs Distributions
  9. Bare metal CPU: 8 cores (4 works too) RAM: 16

    - 64 GB (min 8 GB) Storage: rotating disks 3 - 5 TB total (SSD better) VM works too, but... Storage: local disks, avoid NAS More on Hardware
  10. Keyspace Keyspace Column family Column family ~ RDBMS DB /

    Schema ~ RDBMS table Key1 Key2 Value Column Row Clustering key Partitioning key Map < ... , Map < ... , ... > > Data Model
  11. Node 3 Node 2 Node 1 CF CF CF 1

    2 3 Client Parallel reads,writes 1 2 3 Data on Discs
  12. https://github.com/datastax/java-driver Client API Options Thrift RPC Native protocol + CQL3

    Apache Thrift Custom protocol Synchronous Asynchronous Schema-less Static schema Store & Forward Cursors promised in 2.0 API for any language Java; Python, C# coming Cryptic API JDBC-like API Supported yet Going forward
  13. • Forget RDB design principles • Forget abstract data model

    - shape data for queries • No joins - materialized views • Data duplication - OK • Remember eventual consistency • Queries are precious • Use right data types - timestamp, uuid Why? Because NoSQL is a low level tool for high optimization. Data Modeling for NoSQL
  14. CREATE TABLE timeline ( event uuid, timestamp timeuuid, ... PRIMARY

    KEY (event, timestamp) ); event:date timestamp ... CREATE TABLE timeline ( event uuid, date long, timestamp timeuuid, ... PRIMARY KEY ((event, date), timestamp) ); event timestamp ... Still bad - need sharding http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/advanced-time-series-with-cassandra Long rows - Cassandra handle 2G columns, but... slo-o-ow Timeline
  15. Insert = Update = Delete A B C D 1

    Y 1 Z 1 1 A Y Z 1 a b c d UPDATE ... SET b = 'Y' WHERE id = 1 INSERT INTO ... SET (id, c) values (1, 'Z') DELETE d FROM ... WHERE id = 1 SELECT * FROM ... WHERE id = 1 have to fetch 4 rows slo-o-ow Plan Data Immutable
  16. http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-anti-patterns-queues-and-queue-like-datasets Q Queue: INSERT INTO ... SET( name, enqueued_at, payload

    ) VALUES ( 'Q', now(), ... ) Dequeue: DELETE payload FROM ... WHERE name = 'Q' AND enqueued_at = ... Pick the next: SELECT * FROM ... WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1 * Q * Q * Q * Q Q Q * ? ? ? Q have to fetch 4 rows slo-o-ow Queue
  17. Remember - eventual consistency. Concurrent updates => wrong count SELECT

    count(*) FROM ... WHERE .... ; Full scan over the selection => Default 10'000 rows limit => wrong count Have an integer column and increment it CREATE TABLE count_table ( id uuid, value counter, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); ... UPDATE count_table SET value = value + 1 WHERE id = ... ; Counter column family http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandr a/1.2/cassandra/cql_using/use_counter_t.html slo-o-ow mess mess How Many?
  18. CREATE TABLE blob ( id uuid, data blob, PRIMARY KEY

    (id) ); id chunk_no data CREATE TABLE blob ( id uuid, chunk_no int, data blob, PRIMARY KEY (id, chunk_no) ); id data http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#large_file_and_blob_storage http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/CassandraLimitations OutOfMemory Blobs
  19. Unbounded Queries Result set Client OutOfMemory OutOfMemory Cursors. Planned to

    2.0. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-4415 C* clients use RPC yet Cassandra slo-o-ow
  20. Node 3 Node 1 CF 3 Client 2 Node 3

    Node 2 Why?? slo-o-ow hot spots Limit Client to a node