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Yet Another ROS 2 Navigation Robot: Raspberry P...

Yutaka Kondo
October 31, 2019

Yet Another ROS 2 Navigation Robot: Raspberry Pi Mouse

I've made a LT on #ROSCon2019 about "Yet Another ROS 2 Navigation Robot: Raspberry Pi Mouse" and a call for collaboration to translate my ROS 2 book into English.

Yutaka Kondo

October 31, 2019

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  1. Yet Another ROS 2 Navigation Robot 3 • RPLiDAR A1M8

    ◦ $100 2D LiDAR • RPLiDAR mount ◦ Made by 3D printer ◦ STL file • Raspberry Pi Mouse ◦ Mobile platform using Raspberry Pi’s sysfs ◦ Made by RT
  2. System Configuration 4 Raspberry Pi 3 B PC description robot_state_

    publisher RasPi Mouse driver RPLiDAR driver static_transform _publisher bringup Navigation 2 Google Cartgrapher rviz2 rosbag2 teleop_twist_ joy / keyboard Only for bringup Navigation 2 and teleop https://github.com/youtalk/raspimouse_ros2
  3. Bring Up Raspi Mouse 1. Bring up Raspi and RPLiDAR

    A1M8 drivers $ ros2 launch raspimouse_bringup robot.launch.py 2. Set up Raspi Mouse lifecycle $ ros2 lifecycle set raspimouse_driver configure $ ros2 lifecycle set raspimouse_driver activate 3. Turn on the motors $ ros2 service call /motor_power std_srvs/SetBool '{data: true}' 5
  4. Bring Up Raspi Mouse (con’t) 4. Visualize by RViz2 $

    ros2 launch raspimouse_bringup rviz2.launch.py 6
  5. SLAM with rosbag2 File 7 1. Launch the Cartographer nodes

    $ ros2 launch raspimouse_cartographer cartographer.launch.py 2. Play the recorded rosbag2 file $ ros2 bag play XXX.bag 3. After making 2D map, save it $ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver -f ~/.ros/map
  6. Launch ROS 2 Navigation 9 1. Launch navigation nodes $

    ros2 launch raspimouse_navigation2 navigation2.launch.py map:=/home/$USER/.ros/map.yaml 2. Click the “2D Pose Estimate” button to adjust the current robot location 3. Click the “Navigation2 Goal” button to give the target robot location
  7. 12 ROS2ではじめよう 次世代ロボットプログラミング • World first ROS 2 Book •

    1 of the reviewers is Geoff (Tier IV) • ROS 2 Dashing Diademata • It also contains ROS 1 summary • Call for collaboration for English translation https://amzn.to/2Ji8mQl 12