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apidays New York 2023 - Use What You've Got, Sa...

apidays New York 2023 - Use What You've Got, Sarah Simpers, MongoDB

apidays New York 2023
APIs for Embedded Business Models: Finance, Healthcare, Retail, and Media
May 16 & 17, 2023

Use What You've Got: How Incremental Updates to our Automated CLI Docs Improve the Developer Experience
Sarah Simpers, Senior Technical Writer at MongoDB


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  1. Use What You’ve Got How Incremental Updates to our Automated

    CLI Docs Improve the Developer Experience Sarah Simpers Senior Technical Writer, MongoDB WELCOME
  2. Devs start and keep using the product Internal devs can

    easily add to docs More contributors and faster results
  3. Understanding our CLI stack Atlas Administration API API for MongoDB

    Atlas mongodb-atlas-cli repo CLI code base cobra2snooty repo Output docs to rST docurl Fetches code files for docs repo
  4. Use existing CLI docs Syntax ------ .. code-block:: :caption: Command

    Syntax atlas accessLists list [options] .. Code end marker Pull the code block into Atlas docs To {{task}} using the Atlas CLI, run the following command: .. literalinclude:: {{command}}.txt :start-after: :caption: Command Syntax :end-before: .. Code end marker :language: sh :dedent: Atlas CLI everywhere
  5. [15:14:35] Some versions are out of date. [15:14:35] mongodb/mongodb-atlas-cli [15:14:35]

    Updating mongodb/[email protected]. [15:14:35] mongodb/mongodb-atlas-cli updated to @v1.6.0. > cloud-docs git:(my-branch) None! docurl updates DEV WORK > cloud-docs git:(my-branch) docurl docurl [15:14:37] Fetched 250 files. update fetch
  6. Atlas CLI everywhere At every Atlas CLI release, docurl updates

    200+ code snippets in the Atlas docs automatically.
  7. Call existing CLI variable var createTempl: "Deploying cluster `{{.Name}}`.\n" …

    Annotations: map[string]string{ "output": createTmpl, }, Pull the variable into the template output := strings.ReplaceAll(cmd.Annotations[ "output", "{{.", "<") … buf.WriteString(outputHeader) buf.WriteString(` If the command succeeds, the CLI returns output similar to the following sample. .. code-block:: `) fmt.Fprintln(w, " "+output) Give the output
  8. Give the output We reuse the variable for the output

    in the CLI to show the output in the CLI docs.
  9. Define the template RequiredRole = "To use this command, you

    must authenticate with a user account or an API key that has the %s role." Add required roles from the spec func ListBuilder() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Long: fmt.Sprintf(usage.RequiredRole, "Organization Member"), State required roles
  10. State required roles The Atlas CLI docs tell you the

    required roles for every command using consistent language.