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クックパッドの機械学習を支える基盤のつくりかた ~番外編~ / Machine Learnin...

クックパッドの機械学習を支える基盤のつくりかた ~番外編~ / Machine Learning ops at Cookpad

第12回 Machine Learning 15minutes! にて https://machine-learning15minutes.connpass.com/event/52835/

Yuichiro Someya

May 30, 2017

More Decks by Yuichiro Someya

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    "ap-northeast-1"], "source_ami": "ami-d85e7fbf", "instance_type": "g2.2xlarge", "ssh_username": "ubuntu", "ssh_timeout": "10m", }], "provisioners": [ { "type": "chef-solo", "cookbook_paths": ["cookbooks", "site-cookbooks"], "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "nvidia-driver", "docker-install", "cuda-apt-source", "cuda", "cudnn", "awscli" ] } ] }  package 'nvidia-361' do end execute "install nvidia driver" do command "curl -sLo /tmp/nvidia-driver #{node["nvidia_driver"]["source"]} "test #{node["nvidia_driver"]["sha256sum"]} '=' \"$(sha256sum /tmp/nvid "chmod +x /tmp/nvidia-driver && " \ "/tmp/nvidia-driver -asZN && " \ "rm /tmp/nvidia-driver" not_if "test -d /proc/driver/nvidia" end