namespaces Network configuration deployment would be automated with Kubenetes Scalable Network Highly scalable network control plane can respond to rapid provisioning Supportability Provide commercial supportability for connectivity of container Container Orchestrator HPE Infrastructure Bare metal / Virtual DCN Apollo for AI / DL Synergy for MC Benefit of Architecture SUSE CaaSP w/ DCN K8S 1.9 with DCN Development w/ Pointnext HIT Center of Excellence Integration w/ Synergy Step1 Step2 Step3 DL Series for DevOps * * • ベアメタル-仮想マシン-コンテナをまたがった仮 想ネットワーク • テナント分離 • トップダウンでのポリシーの適用 • etc
パブリッククラウドに 置けるか TensorFlow 1.0 Ubuntu16.04 Container image build automation Container Orchestration Platform GPU GPU GPU GPU Training Job Inference app Inference User Data Scientist GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Distributed workers Training Data Model CUDA8.0 cuDNN v6 TensorFlow 1.0 Ubuntu16.04 TensorFlow 1.0 Ubuntu16.04 Training Job Inference app Other framework/version Training Code Application Code App Developer