in mul0cultural educa0on through a discussion of “primi0ve art.” What are some of the solu0ons he proposes for these problems? What do you think of these solu0ons? Can you propose any of your own? Problem 1, Cross-‐cultural comparison: “Whenever group A uses A’s concepts to describe group B’s ac0vi0es, problems of meaning arise.” (89) Problem 2, The “Special Nature” of Primi0ve Art: “Primi0ve art becomes art, not through the primi0ve peoples who made and make such objects, but through Europeans who buy and collect it.” (89) Problem 3, Evalua0on: “cross-‐cultural descrip0ons always involve the ‘poli0cs’ of commendatory or derogatory comparisons.” (95) Problem 4, Mul0culturalism: “We have acted as though the only significant contribu0ons to art, science, law, morality, literature have come from Europeans (and mainly dead, male Europeans), thus ignoring the cultural contribu0ons of other tradi0ons.” (87).