David Freedberg and Robert D. McFadden Range: 500-‐1425 CE Byzan.ne Key Terms/Concepts: Icon, veneraDon, latria, proskynesis, acheiropoietai, palladium, Iconoclasm, Pantokrator, Acheiropoietos, Theotokos, Hodegetria, Orans, BlacherniDssa, Eleousa, Glykophilsousa, Festal, Iconoclast, Iconophile, Iconodule, Iconostasis. Key Monuments: Vladimir Virgin, ConstanDnople, late 11th –early 12th Century. Virgin and Child between Saints Theodore and George, St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai, late 6th— early 7th century. The AnnunciaDon, “Ohrid AnnunciaDon,” Macedonia, early 14th Century. Andrey Rublyov, The Old Testament Trinity (Three Angels VisiDng Abraham), 1410.