身處資訊社群中,我們往往會不經意的試圖自動化許多流程——從工作分配的方式、會議時間的敲定、工作人員的招募與財務報支,有太多行政手續是可以用電子化表單甚至系統取代的了。然而在追求便利、統一、效率的同時,我們又交換掉了什麼呢?這場議程將會用類似讀書心得分享的方式,跟大家談談對數位系統自動化的反思與過程中應當納入考量的各式正當程序 (due process) 保障。
The session will reflect on necessary procedural safeguards of information systems in a relaxed manner.
For us developers, there is often an unconscious urge to automate whatever process we have on hand. From mundane tasks, like meeting time arrangement, to the extent of handling staff recruitment or financial aid, there are numerous administrative procedures that can be replaced with electronic forms or even complex systems. In our ultimate pursuit of convenience, uniformity, and efficiency, however, seldom do we look back and ask “what is the catch?” This session will engage in a study group-like discussion to explore on the consequences of automating digital systems and the necessary due process considerations before and after such implementation.
2023/7/30 Talk @ COSCUP 2023, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan.