University. Majoring in Economics. Ex-SoftBank Robotics Ex-VALUENEX Interests The relationship between Blockchain and Humankind. HP : @souta__watanabe Blockchain Enthusiast
Internship in Russia -Taught Japanese culture to children under 13. Intern at NPO.ETIC. -Marketing I was in charge of advertising a program for social entrepreneurs. Used Facebook. -Got +200 followers in 3 weeks. -2 Applicants.
-Interviewed 101 entrepreneurs in South East Asia and published my E- Book. -twitter : +530 in 1 months. -Facebook : +210 in 1 months. Internship at VALUENEX -Analyzed MˍA by using predictive analysis tool and made reports. -Data reduction (maximum 80,000 data.). -Analyzed patents and located synergetic relationship. 6
times : Honest + Trust(ed) 23 times : Chain 23 times : Node Hypothesis : This paper is not only about Cryptocurrency, but also about Transaction and Trust. Python Analysis of Satoshi’s Paper. Thesis : To Identify the words which appear frequently.
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