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[論文サーベイ] Survey on Linguistic Explanations in D...

July 18, 2024

[論文サーベイ] Survey on Linguistic Explanations in Deep Reinforcement Learning of Atari Tasks

1.Beating Atari with Natural Language Guided Reinforcement Learning,
Russell Kaplan et al. (Department of Computer Science Stanford University) [arXiv'17] (Cited by:67)
2.Read and Reap the Rewards: Learning to Play Atari with the Help of Instruction Manuals,
Yue Wu et al. (Carnegie Mellon University et al.) [NeurIPS'23] (Cited by:13)
3.Read to Play (R2-Play): Decision Transformer with Multimodal Game Instruction,
Yonggang Jin et al. (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications et al.) [arXiv'24] (Cited by:2)


July 18, 2024

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Other Decks in Research


  1. Survey on Linguistic Explanations in Deep Reinforcement Learning of Atari

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