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chip-based microfluidic methods for analytical ...

andreas manz
September 25, 2008

chip-based microfluidic methods for analytical chemistry

... talk given at Bologna, September 2008.

andreas manz

September 25, 2008

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    Ch Prof.Günter Fuhr, St. Ingbert Lin Chen Helke Reinhardt g Dr.Daniel Schmidt, St.Ingbert Prof Claude Leclerq Paris Kaoru Tachikawa Claus Schumann Prof.Claude Leclerq, Paris Dr.Richard Loman, Paris Prof Philippe Renaud Lausanne Dr.Joachim Franzke Prof Philip Day Prof.Philippe Renaud, Lausanne Dr.Martin Heule, Lausanne i i Prof.Philip Day Ying Cai P f K i hi Oh Dr.Luc Bousse, Mountain View Prof.Ken-ichi Ohno