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February 2021: Service Endpoints versus Private...

February 2021: Service Endpoints versus Private Endpoint by Matthias Güntert

Link to recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnZLCzS7rhg

Azure can be complicated. And Azure networking can be really complicated for the Azure novice. How can we make sure our network designs follow best practices and how can we integrate platform services into our vnet infrastructure?

In this talk I am going to provide an introduction to service endpoints and private links. We will learn what they are good for and how they differ from each other. And we will walk through an example setup to see them in action.

Matthias is an Azure Solution Architect working for Sidenis, where he supports insurance companies in their move to the cloud. He is a passionate IT-Engineer who likes to learn new thinkgs and share his knowledge. Matthias has been working for major swiss banks but also NPOs and other companies.

More information about me can be found at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthiasguentert/

Azure Zurich User Group

February 23, 2021

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  1. Service Endpoints vs. Private Endpoints Securing Azure services & reducing

    the risk of data exfiltration February 2021, Matthias Güntert
  2. Introduction What you can expect  You’ll learn what service

    endpoints (SE) are  You’ll learn what private endpoints (PE) are  You’ll learn the differences between both  You’ll learn when to use one or the other What I assume  Basic understanding of Virtual Networks, DNS and routing
  3. Matthias Güntert Günni, who?  I am a father of

    two kids, digital photographer, supermoto rider & Husaberg fan  I am an Azure Solution Architect, tech enthusiast, .NET developer and blogger (www.azureblue.io)  I work for Solveva, a company focusing on software solutions in the insurance sector  I support insurance companies in their move to the public cloud
  4. Content Service Endpoints  Overview of Service Endpoints are 

    Routing without Service Endpoints  Azure System Default Routes  Azure Route Selection  How Service Endpoints work  What Service Endpoint Policies are  Demo  Key Benefits & Limitations
  5. Overview Service Endpoints  A service endpoint (SE) is a

    feature of Azure virtual network  Eliminates exposure to the Internet  Protects from data exfiltration  Allows tight lock down of Azure resources on the network layer  Provides direct connectivity to Azure services over an optimized route  Traffic destined to Azure resources will always remain on Azure’s infrastructure backbone
  6. Azure System Default Routes Service Endpoints  Azure creates a

    system default routing table for each subnet in a virtual network  Outbound traffic from a subnet is routed based on this route table Address prefixes Next hop type Description Unique to VNet (e.g., Virtual network • Traffic between subnets is automatically routed. • No need to define gateways for Azure to route traffic between subnets Internet • By default, Azure routes traffic for any address not specified to the Internet None • Traffic is dropped, rather than routed outside the subnet.
  7. Azure Route Selection  Routing decisions are based on the

    destination IP address using “longest prefix matching algorithm”  For example  Destination IP: → B (/24 is the longer matching prefix than /16)  Destination IP: → A (not part of  If multiple routes contain same address prefix, selection is based on following priority  User-defined route  BGP route  System route Address prefix Next Hop Type A B Source Address prefix Next Hop Type Default Internet User-Defined Virtual Network Gateway → I.e., destination IP will select the user-defined route, as priority is higher
  8. Routing without Service Endpoints Service Endpoints 1. Routing table lookup

    for destination 2. Single matching address prefix is and therefor next hop type is “Internet”  Traffic from VM to Storage Account travels through internet  Storage Account is exposed to the public internet  Storage Account could be protected with manual FW rules, however white-labeled packets would still travel through internet which might not be desirable
  9. How do Service Endpoints work?  SE relies on routing

    and makes use of a new hop type called “VirtualNetworkServiceEndpoint”  Next to the one we have seen, which were “Virtual network”, “Internet”, “None”, ...  This hop type acts as an ingress/entry point to the Azure backbone  When enabling SEs for a specific resource type, all there public IP address prefixes, will be added to the default routing table with a next hop type of “VirtualNetworkServiceEndpoint”
  10. Service Endpoint Policy  Allows to filter egress VNet traffic

    to storage accounts  Provides granular access control for VNet traffic to storage accounts  Filter granularity based on configurable scope:  All accounts in subscription  All accounts in resource group  Single account  No support for other resources than storage accounts!!
  11. Demo Lock down VM & Storage Account with service endpoints

    1. Create a “Service Endpoint Policy” 2. Enable Service Endpoint for Subnet 3. Deny inbound from Internet to Storage Account 4. Deny outbound from VM to Internet
  12. Key Benefits - 1 Service Endpoints  Traffic remains on

    Azure backbone  Enhanced network performance (high bandwidth, low latency)  Enhanced security  Optimal routing  Even with user-defined routes pointing to on-premises, traffic will still take service endpoint as next hop  Service endpoint routes override any BGP or UDR routes for address prefix match!  Allows tight lock down of Azure resources on the network layer  Not possible without service endpoints  Storage Account access can be further restricted with “SE Policies”  No additional charge for using Service Endpoints
  13. Key Benefits – 2 Service Endpoints  You can secure

    Azure services to multiple subnets within a VNets or even across multiple vnets  VNet & Azure Service resource can belong to different subscriptions and tenants  However, VNet & Service Resource can’t be in different regions  With the exception of paired regions i.e., West- & North Europe
  14. Limitations Service Endpoints  Feature only available to virtual networks

    deployed through Azure Resource Manager (no classic deployment)  Can't be used for traffic coming from on-premises & peered network  Not every Azure resource type is supported, although many core resources are  Azure Storage  SQL Database, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Cosmos DB,  Key Vault, Service Bus, Event Hubs, App Service, Cognitive Services, Container Registry (public preview)  Data Lake Store Gen 1, Synapse Analytics  SE Policies can only be used for storage accounts!  And you can’t distinguish between blob, queue, file or table  SE Policies can’t be “shared” across subscriptions  ... like other resources
  15. Content Private Endpoints  Overview of Private Endpoints and Private

    Link Service  Private Endpoint DNS Integration  DNS Query from the Internet  DNS Query from the VNet  Approval Workflow  Demo  Key Benefits & Limitations
  16. Overview Private Endpoints  Eliminates Internet Exposure & protects from

    data exfiltration  Part of the Private Link Service Offering which consists of three components  Private Endpoint, Private Endpoint DNS Integration, Private Link Service  Enables access to Azure PaaS services, Partner services and customer owned services over a private endpoint in your virtual network  “Private Link Service” can be Azure Storage Account, SQL Server, ... or your own application
  17. Overview Private Endpoints  PE is a special type of

    NIC that plugs into VNet  PE uses private IP from subnet  Traffic remains on Azure backbone
  18. Private Endpoint DNS Integration  Azure creates CNAME record on

    the public DNS  Private DNS Zone is created and linked to VNet, overriding public DNS  Clients from Internet and VNet can both use same (public) FQDN  ... which resolves to different IP addresses  No need for callers to change any existing URLs to target resource
  19. DNS Query from the Internet Private Endpoint DNS Integration 

    Meaning of the result:  azurebluedemo2.blob... is an alias for azurebluedemo2.privatelink...  azurebluedemo2.privatelink... is an alias for blob.blz21prdstr02a.store...  blob.blz21prdstr02a.store... points to address  This implies that even if you query the *.privatelink.* DNS name, no private IP addresses are going to be revealed
  20. DNS Query from the Internet Private Endpoint DNS Integration 

    azurebluedemo2 has an PE pointing to it – azurebluedemo1 doesn’t  No internal IPs are exposed, even when trying to resolve *.privatelink.*
  21. DNS Query from Virtual Network Private Endpoint DNS Integration 

    Lookup for azurebluedemo2.blob.core.windows.net from the VNet  Meaning of the result  azurebluedemo2.blob... is an alias for azurebluedemo2.privatelink...  azurebluedemo2.privatelink points to the IP  Private DNS zone overrides DNS resolution  This implies, that there is no need for callers to change any existing URLs to the target resource!
  22. Private Endpoint DNS Integration Hub & Spoke  Private DNS

    Zone can be linked to many VNets  A Private DNS zone is a global resource!
  23. Approval Workflow  Two connection approval methods: automatically & manually

     Resource owner can approve  If requester has enough permission automatic approval is given
  24. Demo Access Blob Storage privately with via Private Endpoint 

    Creating a private endpoint pointing to an Azure Storage Account  Demonstrate DNS  Demonstrate approval workflow
  25. Key Benefits Private Endpoints  Eliminates exposure to the Internet

     Can be consumed by services outside the VNet  Like on-premises  Can be used to connect to resources across regions  Supports approval workflow & a lot more Azure resources than service endpoints
  26. Limitations Private Endpoints  Private Endpoints can’t be associated with

    NSGs  User-defined routes don’t apply to private endpoints  Private Endpoint must be in the same region as your virtual network  Alternatively create PE in a Hub VNet and use (global) peering
  27. Comparison Service Endpoints Private Links Free of charge Charge based

    on traffic and usage time No SLA SLA of 99.99% (Private Link) Feature of Virtual Network Feature of Private Link Service Providing service must be in same region as VNet (or at least paired region) Location of providing service is independent of private endpoint location Must be enabled on the subnet where it needs to be consumed Must be deployed to same region as VNet No additional private IP address required Read-Only Network Interface occupies a private IP address Can’t be used for traffic coming from on-premises & peered networks Supports access from on-premises & peered networks Service Discovery relies on routing Service Discovery relies on DNS Traffic not inspectable inside Azure Allows traffic inspection via Azure Firewall Supports 14 Azure PaaS Providers Supports 27 Azure PaaS Providers Temporary interruption may occur to subnet while configuring service endpoints No connectivity loss for clients connected to VNet Only coarse control for storage accounts possible Supports fine grained control to target resource
  28. Which to pick?  Choose Service Endpoints if ... 

    ... you are tight on budget and communication stays within a single region  ... you must privately connect to a Data Lake Storage Gen1  ... you’d like to connect to storage account & filtering via Service Endpoint Policy is sufficient for you  Choose Private Endpoints if ...  ... you’d like to inspect traffic with Azure Firewall  ... you’d like to connect services across regions  ... you’d like to connect to partner resources privately  ... you can’t tolerate interruption of network connectivity while setting up  ... you must privately connect to services not offered by service endpoints (!)