DanieAvelar (@danieavelar)

15 Follows

PayPay Corporation.


PayPay is a fintech company consisting of diverse members from more than 50 different countries, PayPay has acquired ...

13 followers 7 decks

Goodpatch Inc.


UI/UXデザインを強みとした新規事業の立ち上げや、企業のデザイン戦略立案、デザイン組織構築支援などを行い、 デザインの価値向上を目指しているデザイン会社です。

17 followers 3 decks

Bruce Ravel


I am the lead beamline scientist at the BMM beamline at NSLS-II, the author of the Athena, Artemis, and Hephaestus pr...

7 followers 22 decks