self-managing units that perform superbly and those whose performance is abysmal? 1. Clear, Engaging Direction a) Orients organization members toward common objectives, thereby facilitating coordinated action in pursuing them. b) Clear direction energizes people, direction should: a) be consequential—i.e., what is to be accomplished has a visible and substantial impact on others, be they customers, co-workers, or other unit members b) stretch members’ energy and talent—i.e., achieving them is neither routine nor impossible c) simultaneously rich in imagery and incomplete in detail, thereby providing room for members to add their own meanings to the aspirations c) Clear direction energizes people, even when the goals that are articulated may not rank highest on members' personal lists of aspirations. d) Provides a criterion for unit members to use in testing and comparing alternative possibilities for their behavior at work. 2. An enabling performing unit structure 3. A supportive organizational context 4. Available, expert coaching 5. Adequate material resources