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Design for Sensors, Not Screens - Dallas Digita...

Design for Sensors, Not Screens - Dallas Digital Summit 20015

More Decks by Joe Johnston VP, Experience Innovation

Other Decks in Design


  1. You make people happier not by giving them more options

    but by stripping away as many as you can. “
  2. The average smartphone user checks her phone 221 times a

    day. TECMARK, OCTOBER 2014. Time spent on mobile devices is at an average of 3hrs 16m day.
  3. 13

  4. Avoiding a digital interface means you don’t waste time using

    a screen you don't need to be using anyway.
  5. 40% of adult smartphone owners use voice search to ask

    for directions, 39% to dictate a text message, 32% to make a phone call, 23% while they are cooking. 0 50 23% 32% 39% 40% GOOGLE MOBILE VOICE STUDY, OCTOBER 2014
  6. This is particularly true of context-aware technology. No matter how

    often we say we’re creeped out by technology, we tend to acclimate quickly if it delivers what we want before we want it.
  7. Taxi services like Uber, Amazon’s Prime One-Click Ordering, Instant delivery

    services like WunWun, DoorDash and Path Talk Messaging
  8. Focus on Time to satisfaction Take a look at Amazon’s

    Anticipatory shipping patent — a system of delivering products to customers before they place an order, basically its smart purchasing. This type of complex predictive analytics is all targeted at time to satisfaction for the customer.
  9. If you create a great Employee Experience then you will

    inherently have a great Customer Experience. “
  10. The MagicBands and MyMagicPlus allow employees to “move past transactions,

    into an interactive space, where they can personalize the experience”
  11. “Golden State Warriors saw a 69% increase in seat upgrade

    revenue via the app after installing their proximity marketing solution”
  12. The ability to capture large sets of realtime data and

    predictively start serving up the best intended experience.
  13. Key Take Aways:
 ‣ We tend to acclimate quickly if

    the experience delivers what we want before we want it. ‣ Focus on Time to Satisfaction for the Customer. ‣ A great Employee Experience means a great Customer Experience. ‣ Predictively & Intelligently serve up the best intended experience based on “Anticipatory” Design