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[openSUSE Asia 2024 Summit] My FLOSS project co...

[openSUSE Asia 2024 Summit] My FLOSS project contributions and promotions experience in South Korea

Title: My FLOSS project contributions and promotions experience in South Korea
Subtitle: It's hard to promote a FLOSS project that you can't find a reason to use
Date: 2024-11-02(Saturday, 토요일) PM02:15-PM02:35
Currently, I'm a full-time worker(Developer) in South Korea.

In this talk, I explain my personal contribution and promote FLOSS projects experience(such as LibreOffice, openSUSE).

I also explain my CJK contribution experience on GNOME, KDE, and LibreOffice (such as KDE kcharselect, GNOME gucharmap, GNOME characters, LibreOffice, etc.)

I am interested in the Ideographs(漢字/汉字, Chinese Characters, Mandarin Chinese: hànzì, Japanese: かんじ kanji, Korean: 한자 hanja) representation on the computer. I added some CJK ideographs pronunciations based on the contents of the Unihan database in GNOME gucharmap. Also, I found LibreOffice’s CJK numeric expressions bugs. Calc numeric expressions in Korea, China, and Japan are sometimes similar and different. I contribute LibreOffice CJK numeric expressions bug. Since attending COSCUP in 2017, I have been contributing to LibreOffice. I'll be talking about LibreOffice's promotion challenges and failures in South Korea from 2018 to the present. Finally, I’ll talk about my future plans for FLOSS project activities in South Korea.

DaeHyun Sung

November 02, 2024

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  1. My FLOSS project contributions & promotions experience in South Korea

    It's hard to promote a FLOSS project that you can't find a reason to use DaeHyun Sung (성대현/成大鉉/ソン・デヒョン) Tokyo | November 2, 2024
  2. Who am I? • 성대현/成大鉉/ソン・デヒョン • One of Korean Open

    Source Contributors • GNOME Foundation Member • Founding member of LibreOffice Korean Team(Since 2017) • The Document Foundation Membership (Since 2019) • openSUSE Asia Committee Korean Member • Activities: Korean Community management & QA, improve some Korean features on LibreOffice
  3. Disclaimer The views expressed in these presentations are my own

    and may differ from those of my employer or affiliated organizations
  4. My Motivation for contributing to FLOSS • When I was

    young, I learned Hanja(한자/漢字, Ideographs) • Chinese History Soap opera(Justice Bao/包靑天/포청천), Chinese Novels(such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms/三國志演義/삼국지연의), Japanese Novels(such as Ryunosuke Akutagawa/芥川龍之介/ 아쿠타가와 류노스케)
  5. My Motivation for contributing to FLOSS • When I was

    a University freshman, I started using Ubuntu Linux (at that time, Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog)
  6. My Motivation for contributing to FLOSS • 17 years ago,

    I found the Korean font issue threads on KLDP • ttf-alee 11 업로드 (upload) https://kldp.org/node/74311 • "구슬체" 에서 한자대신 한글이 출력되는 문제(The problem: Hangul is printed form "Guseul" font instead of Hanja" https://kldp.org/node/89240 • Some FLOSS Korean developers ignore Hanja(한자/漢字, Chinese characters) issues • One FLOSS Korean developer made the Hanja problem on font(“Guseol” font) • The Korean font developer insists, “Hanja is not Korean Language” and change hanja to Korean hanja sound • ex) 漢字 → 한자
  7. My Motivation for contributing to FLOSS • 17 years ago,

    I found the Korean font issue threads on KLDP • ttf-alee 11 업로드 (upload) https://kldp.org/node/74311 • "구슬체" 에서 한자대신 한글이 출력되는 문제(The problem: Hangul is printed form "Guseul" font instead of Hanja" https://kldp.org/node/89240 • Some FLOSS Korean developers ignore Hanja(한자/漢字, Chinese characters) issues • One FLOSS Korean developer made the Hanja problem on font(“Guseol” font) • The Korean font developer insists, “Hanja is not Korean Language” and change hanja to Korean hanja sound • ex) 漢字 → 한자
  8. My Motivation for contributing to FLOSS • “Guseul” font’s Hanja

    issue on KLDP • Strongly Problematic • Ideographs and Korean Hanja sound cannot be mapped 1:1 • ex) 樂–4 Sounds • 악ak 낙nak 락rak 요yo • There is a problem that characters cannot be properly expressed When Chinese & Japanese strings appear
  9. Ideograph/Chinese Character Chinese: hàn zì ㄏㄢˋㄗˋ - Traditional Chinese: 漢字

    - Simplified Chinese: 汉字 Japanese: かんじ kanji Korean: 한자 hanja Vietnamese: Hán tự
  10. Difference of Ideograph forms Different glyphs in both Japanese &

    Korean 道(Korean form) & 道(Japanese form)
  11. Difference of Ideograph forms Variant forms & different code points

    - Rooster Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Japanese Korean Glyph 雞 鸡 鶏 鷄 Reading ㄐㄧ jī jī にわとり niwatori 계 gye Code point 雞(U+96DE) 鸡(U+9E21) 鶏(U+9D8F) 鷄(U+9DC4)
  12. Variant Ideograph Chinese and Japanese don’t reserved multi-sounds code points,

    only one code point. • Example] Taiwan’s COSCUP 2017 talk “ㄇㄉ,都 2017 了注音還 沒搞定嗎?” by 董福興(Bobby Tung) https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4eOFAwy8f7Q
  13. Variant Ideograph KS X 1001:1992 includes 268 duplicate hanja (with

    multiplereadings)—encoded in “CJK Compatibility Zone” Example] 樂 (악 ak, 낙 nak, 락 rak, 요 yo) Glyph Korean Hanja Sound 한국 한자음/韓國 漢字音 KS X 1001:1992 Unicode 樂 악ak 68-37 U+6A02 樂 낙nak 49-66 U+F914 樂 락rak 53-05 U+F95C 樂 요yo 72-89 U+F9BF
  14. GNOME gucharmap GNOME gucharmap https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Gucharmap • Add Korean Hangul sound

    and Vietnamese pronunciation for Ideographs • Example) North 北 • charmap: Add korean hangul and vietnamese pronunciations (2016) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gucharmap/commit/b3614d114bc2158f8e5c4b 98797019f3a71d0ba • chartable: Improve Korean Hanja Pronunciations property(2021) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gucharmap/-/commit/0d40a44c7fc242ffcf48b4 d668223cc954a8b4cc
  15. GNOME gucharmap • Decomposition Korean Hangul Syllable & click to

    move Hangul jamo • charmap: Show characters in the canonical decomposition (2017) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gucharmap/-/commit/6 5c3083fc4f7045d5cb9269a84d7ace4d90ab65c
  16. GNOME characters • Homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-chara cters • libgc: Perform full

    canonical decomposition for Hangul syllables (2017) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-characters/-/commit/70 e5e05a8f8cbf24a122680dbc943e90ec8fd4f9 • gc: add support cjk extension H for Unicode15(2023) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-characters/-/commit/da ef901e34d731d6d8fe8a1f966ea9f1f04e3a2f
  17. KDE kcharselect • KDE kcharselect - Add decomposition of Hangul

    Syllables into Hangul Jamo • https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kwidgetsaddons/-/commit/d5afd98cb6fbe743 d6fdf75770aef13a5c6194b8
  18. Contribute Korean IME, libhangul Libhangul – FLOSS Korean IME library

    • add 158 characters in the list of hanja[한자,漢字] • https://github.com/libhangul/libhangul/pull/19/files
  19. LibreOffice • When I attended COSCUP 2017… • I met

    Italo Vignoli(TDF) & LibreOffice Taiwan & Japanese Team. • I started LibreOffice Contribution after attending COSCUP 2017
  20. HWP Issues In South Korea, LibreOffice users have few I

    reported almost all Korean bugs…(Community has not been activated) In the South Korea’s Office market, MS Office holds 70% and HWP holds 30% Hancom(한글과 컴퓨터)'s HWP has an exclusive position in the public sector’s office market. The reason is that under Korea law, Public sectors have to purchase only Korean company's software unless there is anything special
  21. Document Formats in South Korea HWP – Hangul Word Processor

    (published by Hancom 한글과컴퓨터, brand name: ᄒᆞᆫ글) In South Korea, Both OWPML and ODF are a Document format standard as a public sector. The Republic of Korea government adopted OpenDocument as a part of Korean Industrial Standards KS X ISO/IEC 26300 in 2007 KS X 6101(OWPML) – ROK government guided xml based document specification → Hancom made hwpml and HWPX formats, based on government proposals However, Hancom’s binary file format(HWP) is widely used in Korea
  22. Document Formats in South Korea • KS X ISO/IEC 26300

    – set 2007, Global Standard, ODF Korean translation version • https://www.standard.go.kr/KSCI/standardIntro/getStandardSearchView.d o?menuId=919&topMenuId=502&upperMenuId=503&ksNo=KSXISOIEC2630 0&tmprKsNo=KSXISOIEC26300&reformNo=03&displayBlock=none&display Block2=block • KS X 6101(OWPML) – set 2011 – only Korean Standard • https://www.standard.go.kr/KSCI/standardIntro/getStandardSearchView.d o?menuId=503&topMenuId=502&ksNo=KSX6101&tmprKsNo=KSX6101&ref ormNo=01
  23. HWP Issues for Expat in Korea • KDE aKademy 2018

    Keynote: Mapping Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea with FOSS https://conf.kde.org/en/akademy2018/public/events/78.html • Youtube: https://youtu.be/ITzFXeg4UGU?t=1590 • He describes his North Korea human rights NGO(전환기 정의 워킹 그룹/Transitional Justice Working Group) working and using free and open source software and data(FOSSD) • He added that using FOSS in Korea in a challenge for foreigners • Korean Input, fonts, banking & online transactions • In addition, Hangul Word processor / .HWP files
  24. HWP Issues for FLOSS in Korea • In this Year,

    PSF(Python Software Foundation) Board of Director Kwon-Han Bae’s ETRI Open Source Tech Day 2024 Keynote session • Summary: South Korea government release documents in HWP format, and they require application forms to be in HWP format as well. • Slide: https://github.com/eostday/eost2024/blob/main/EOST2024-%EB %B0%B0%EA%B6%8C%ED%95%9C.pdf • Video: https://youtu.be/f6ncfAbujCk?si=Q4z2iCBsxlVraOpw
  25. LibreOffice Promotion challenges • Mentored an open-source project with government

    agency(NIPA) support in South Korea (2020-2021). • Introducing LibreOffice contributions was challenging for beginners • The de facto standard in South Korea's public sector is HWP format • Although South Korea’s document standards are ODF and OWPML, binary-based HWP is still dominant • Thus, people often ask how LibreOffice differs from HWP or MS Office during promotions
  26. Latest LibreOffice Korean Contributions • Translations • Source codes •

    Change default Korean font size: 10.5pt to 10pt • https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=155947 • https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/4ffa5f2d741368bcc70ec3fd5d5ca1249c fc1e37%5E%21 • Korean font rendering https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/e830f2a041271f4a f65dabb2d8c0968b7f3bac6e%5E%21 • Korean spell dictionary https://git.libreoffice.org/dictionaries/+/d0c93918 1ac181ce6479ae8604ef647055ccf44d%5E%21
  27. openSUSE • When I attended COSCUP x GNOME.Asia X openSUSE

    Asia 2018, I joined openSUSE Asia Committee member, made openSUSE Korean Team • https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Asia_Organization_Committee
  28. Contribute for openSUSE • Translate into Korean • Added My

    Company’s open source project • Backend.AI repository - feat: Support installation on openSUSE https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai/pull/485
  29. My Personal challenges • Personal challenges • My child was

    born in 2022 • Caring for my wife after her cancer diagnosis and surgery (2023) • Due to these personal challenges, maintaining consistent contributions has been difficult
  30. Issues with Korean Translation of FLOSS • Certain individuals have

    been harassing Korean translation contributors for FLOSS projects. • They obscure the main points with strange translations and attempt to introduce odd content, leading to harassment for many Korean FLOSS translators. • Despite my family challenges, I have been making an effort to continue contributing to LibreOffice and FLOSS projects
  31. Issues with Korean Translation of FLOSS • Example) Notepad++ •

    Notepad++ update Korean issue https://github.com/notepad -plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/pull/7935 • I left a comment on the above issue https://link.medium.com /Qn0YgqER0Nb
  32. Communicate with Communities • DebConf2024, Busan, Korea • Workshop: Introduction

    to LibreOffice Korean Translations (Wiki & UI Translations) https://debconf24.debconf.org/talks/122-introduction-to-libreoffice-ko rean-translations-wiki-ui-translations/ • UbuCon Korea 2024, Seoul, Korea • BoF: 번역 기여는 어떻게 하고 있을까요? 리눅스 20 년째 사용자가 이야기하는 BoF https:// events.canonical.com/event/48/contributions/446/ • OpenInfra Asia Summit 2024, Suwon, Korea • PyCon Korea 2024, Suwon, Korea
  33. Communicate with Communities • Expand interactions with other Korean FLOSS

    communities • Collaborate on translation efforts • Open source culture is still underdeveloped in South Korea. I will strive to improve awareness of open source culture. • Ref content) Korean content – PSF Board of Director, Kwon-Han Bae’s ETRI Open Source Tech Day 2024 Keynote session • Slide: https://github.com/eostday/eost2024/blob/main/EOST2024-%EB%B0% B0%EA%B6%8C%ED%95%9C.pdf • Video: https://youtu.be/f6ncfAbujCk?si=Q4z2iCBsxlVraOpw
  34. Conclusions • Due to a my strong interest in CJKV,

    I contribute translations & contributions to many FLOSS Projects • Many Korean FLOSS communities are also constantly considering how to maintain motivation • I am trying to find ways to motivate people in Korea to use and contribute to open source projects.